Ch - 60 "Love Birds"

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"Without love, we are birds with broken wings."

~ Unknown 

Part 60

Angel's Pov 

My body felt Numb looking into his blank eyes. I stumbled on my feet but felt someone held me from behind. I didn't have energy to see who it was. 

I looked down and silent tears escaped my eyes. Why me? I just got my happiness. Why do I have to lose it so soon? 

"Blaize? You seriously don't remember anyone?" I heard Adrian from behind.  

"Of course Adrian, I remember everyone." My eyes widened when he recognised Adrian. Then me? 

I looked at him with confused eyes. "Then why are you doing this to Angel?" Adrian asked again. 

"I remember my Angel, but she is not my Angel." I sobbed softly and turned around to go out of the room but before I could move I felt him holding my hand. 

He turned me around softly but I still looked down. He put his finger under my chin and made me look up at him. 

"You are feeling hurt aren't you?" He asked softly and I didn't reply. Yes I'm feeling beyond hurt. 

"I'm feeling hurt too, badly hurt" I looked at him confused. "I know.. I know I could've saved you, I know I didn't try harder. I'm sorry for-" he put his finger on my lips to shut me up. 

"You are seriously thinking I will blame you for what you didn't do? Look at yourself Angel. How could I not be angry. It's been many hours since I'm in the hospital and no one treated your wounds. Do you really think I would be smiling looking at you like this?" Oh so he is angry about this. 

"I'm. .I'm. Sorry Blaize, I couldn't control it. I couldn't control the fear that I felt. I was..I was." I said between sobs and burst out in tears. "I was so scared" 

He sighed and pulled into the hug. I sat beside him and hugged him tightly.  I was dying to feel like this. To feel home. To be in his arms. 

"Shhh, Calm down doll. I'm fine, it's not fair Angel. You only think about your fear, your heart and what about mine? What about me? You didn't think what I would feel when I see you like this. Covered in blood and wounds. Why Angel?" He whispered in my ears and I felt hurt in his voice. 

I felt guilty again, making him hurt. I should have listened to Adrian and Declan.

"I'm sorry Blaize, I didn't mean to hurt you, I just wanted to be with you. I lost my wedding ring, I didn't want to lose you. I wasn't even able to think of anything else than that. I'm so sorry. Please Blaize, Please don't do that again." I said untangling myself from him.

I cupped his cheeks and kissed his head. "I thought I lost you, lost my life. I wouldn't ever live without you Blaize. Please don't ever leave me." He sighed and smiled at me. 

"I won't Angel, my love is deeper than any depth exists. I'll never leave you. I'll always come back to you." He said holding my hand which was on his cheeks and kissed my palm. 

His eyes landed on my wrist which had bitten marks from Ian and he was red again in anger. He closed his eyes and I hugged him to calm him down. "I'm fine Blaize, I'm fine. I just want to stay like this please." 

He hugged me back and brushed my back. "You need to get treated Angel, you need rest and if you don't listen then I won't talk to you." 

I pouted and untangled myself from him. "Okay," I said and he looked behind me. A nurse came in front of me and took my hand then she injected me with something. 

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