Ch - 55 "Kidnapped"

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"Scars are stories & memories written on the skin."

~ Unknown 

Part 55

Angel's Pov 

The wedding went so beautifully, I wanted to buy wedding rings too for them but then they both already selected  the rings so I didn't want to ruin their happiness. 

They both had written so lovingly speeches for each other and at dance, they both lost in each other. 

I felt so happy that they are finally and happily married. Blaize and I also danced with them but my eyes wandered to Adrian. Even his body language was normal but his eyes were still stuck to Abigail's face while dancing. 

I shook my head and looked at Blaize, he looked somewhat tense. "Angel, I want you to stick around Nathan, please" I frowned at his words. 

"Why Blaize, why do I even need a bodyguard? Will you tell me please?" I asked and he sighed.  Nodding his head, he was about to say something but the cheer for cake cutting started. 

We had to cut short our conversation and went for the cake cutting. There while clapping I felt a little bit sad .

I'm happy for Kate but for myself I felt sad because I didn't get to enjoy these things. It was a fast forward wedding, we didn't do our dance, cake cutting and flower throwing. 

But still at least I married the love of my life. I'm happy about that. 

"You look sad"  I heard Blaize as he came beside me. "I'm not, I'm happy," I said with a smile. "This smile doesn't reach your eyes" I sighed and shook my head, I'm so useless. 

"Okay it's nothing and let's go, I want that cake" I said and we went to taste that cake. 

"I'm not going to eat this again Angel, it's not good flavour to me." Blaize said I huffed. Ignoring him I tasted the butterscotch flavour of the cake. My favourite one is vanilla but this flavour is sooooo good too. 

I felt Blaize held my shoulder and turned me to him. I raised my eyebrow at him as he looked at me weirdly. He rested his hand on my cheeks and cleaned the cream from my lips with his finger. 

Oh he wanted to clean my face, but I was wrong to think that because next I saw him lick the cream off his finger. 

My eyes widened at him and I looked around, Bryan and Kate were looking at us and when he saw me looking at him he winked at me. Idiot. 

I looked back at Blaize and glared at him. "Blaize, what are you doing? People are looking" 

He shrugged and said, "so? Let them, I don't care plus now the flavour tasted better." I blushed at his words and looked around again. 

This time my eyes fell on Nathan.  "Doesn't he talk? Because I don't think I have heard his voice." I asked Blaize, pointing at Nathan.

"He does but not with everyone, he is just too uptight but he cools with us Inferno" he said with a shrug and I nodded. 

I took some cake and went to Nathan. "Hey, have some cake" he ignored me and looked around in the hall like a hawk. 

I rolled my eyes at him and pulled his hand to mine and put the plate of cake in his hand. "Eat this, it's a happy ceremony and you can't go out without tasting sweet. Now eat it Mr Hawk" 

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