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It is Monday morning and Jisung is ready to get the day over with. He notices Felix at his locker and decides to walk up to him. Felix and Jisung have become good friends since the first day of class. Jisung liked everything about Felix. He is loud, funny, clingy, and super nice. Jisung learned that Felix is from Australia and he got into the school to major in music. Jisung wishes to spend more time with Felix and hopefully become good friends outside of school too.

"Good morning Felix." Jisung greeted with a small bow and smile. "Goodmorning mate! How are you? How was your weekend? Do anything fun?" Jisung admired how Felix was so bright early in the morning, "hmm i spent my weekend putting up locks and an alarm in my house. Not much fun, you?" Felix looked worried "woah, why? Did someone rob your house or something?" Jisung giggled "aah! Noo its just that i brought home a stray cat with me and a backpack that was next to him, but i woke up in the morning and both were gone so i decided to set up alarms, you know?" Felix calmed down "oh okay, i thought something bad happened. Wait, what if the cat is cursed? Or even worst, A GHOST!! AHHH!" Felix screamed loud enough for the students in the hallway to stare at jisung and Felix. Jisung started giggling, "Felix, i dont think the cat is a ghost!" Felix stared intensely at Jisung, he grabbed Jisung's hands and brought them to his own chest. Jisung blushed a little and he could feel Felix's heart beating fast. "You never know Jisung, dont trust everything you see." Jisung was confused but turned his head towards this intense aura he felt, he swore he felt someone was watching them. "Let's go to class Felix, before you get crazy thoughts into my head."

Jisung was headed to his last class of the day with a bright smile. He had joined music club and today was their first official meet. Jisung was excited to get to know more people and hopefully become friends with them. He was feeling a little lonely in this big city by himself, he decided this week he would make friends and get to know them.
Jisung walked into the club room and was hit by a loud wave of music. He looked around and saw many people focusing on singing, playing instruments, dancing, and some were sitting down writing what seemed to be lyrics. "Wow! This is amazing!!" Jisung squealed. "Hey there! You're Jisung right? You signed up for the club last week? Im Chan, im the director of the music club. Come, let me introduce you to some members of the club!" Chan led Jisung to the back of the room where a guy was practicing his rap. "Hey Changbin! This is Jisung, he is joining the club." Jisung bowed at Changbin "hello, im Han Jisung." Changbin smiled "whats up, im Changbin. I hope you like it here and i am looking forward to see you showing off your talents." Jisung blushed and bowed again. Chan giggled "hey! Dont be so shy! Everyone will be family here so get to know each other!" "Ah yes, of course!" Jisung beamed.

"Hey Chan, can Minho and I show you our dance now. We want you to critique us and give us feedback for the fall show." Jisung stared at the tall boy speaking to Chan. "Oh yeah, give me a minute I am showing Jisung around. Jisung this is Hyunjin. Hyunjin, Jisung!" Jisung bowed and said "hello, im Han Jisung!" Chan started laughing, "you have to stop that! We are all around the same age here and we are friends, so loosen yourself a bit." Hyunjin smiled at Jisung, "hey Jisung, do you want to see my dance with Minho? Lets go!" Hyunjin took Jisung to the dance room. Once they entered Jisung looked around and saw many trophies and medals hung on the wall. He then looked to the middle of the room and noticed a guy standing staring back at Jisung. Jisung looked at Hyunjin and Hyunjin realized he had not introduced the two, "oh ah! Sorry hey this is Minho I was talking about" Minho stared at Jisung and walked up to him. Jisung bowed at Minho "hello, im Han-" "Jisungie" Minho cut him off. Minho's voice made Jisung shiver and his heart beat fast. Minho placed his finger on Jisung's chin and brought Jisung to look up at him "Jisungie, you bumped into me last week." "Ah, yes of course. I am so sorry about that!" Jisung replied with a blush. Minho let go of Jisung and stared at Hyunjin, "so, will Chan be here?" "I brought Jisung to watch instead since he is new and doesnt know anyone here yet. I hope thats fine." Hyunjin replied. Minho walked to the center of the dance room "of course its fine." He replied "well, let's start then Hyunjin. Jisung, please watch and observe closely." "Ah yes of course!" Jisung replied.
Jisung then realized he never told Minho his name, but Minho knew his name and he called him by a name nobody has called him yet. Wtf, Jisung thought. Jisung was quickly distracted by his thoughts when he saw Hyunjin and Minho dance along to the song playing. They moved their bodies at such graceful power, every movement they made was sharp but elegant altogether. Jisung stared especially at Minho and blushed when Minho stared back and gave him a wink.
Hyunjin and Minho stopped dancing and stared at Jisung "so, what do you think?" Hyunjin asked. Jisung was still blushing but managed to get out some words "it was really good! Your dancing is elegant but has detailed moves and it is perfect with the rhythm of the song!" Minho and Hyunjin smirked at Jisung's reply.
Hyunjin took Jisung to go and meet other people in the music club for the rest of the hour. Jisung met many people and was content as some invited him to sit with him during lunch hours. Jisung was having fun in the music club chatting with a boy named Seungmin. Hyunjin introduced Seungmin to Jisung as his secret crush. Seungmin was telling Jisung about how he started liking music, and how he got into singing. Jisung heard seungmin sing and was left shocked at how beautiful his voice is. "Oh my god, that was amazing seungmin!" Jisung screamed. "Really? Thanks Jisung!" Seungmin gave jisung a fast hug of excitement for the nice compliment. "Jisung, we should hang out sometime!" Seungmin requested. "Of course! I would love that!" Jisung replied. Jisung kept talking to Seungmin, but he felt that same intense aura he felt earlier with Felix. Jisung turned towards the aura, but was shocked when it was just a wall. "Must be my imagination again" Jisung thought.

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