Part 32

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The guys have been spending nearly everyday with each other. They all eat at the music room and hang out after school at the park or at one of their houses (usually MINHO'S). They all feel their happiest when they are altogether and they enjoy learning new things about each other. They don't worry about people watching them or about meeting someone's expectations. They feel they are their true selves with each other.

With all this happiness, Jisung felt weird. Jisung loves being with the guys, but he felt that Minho showed alot of attention to Jeongin when they were altogether. Jisung would most of the time be talking to Chan and Woojin since Jeongin was always asking Minho for things and Felix and Changbin wouldn't leave each other's sides. Jisung didn't mind spending his time with other friends apart from Minho, but he missed Minho. These days Minho has not been going to Jisung's house since they hang out everyday. Jisung wants to keep Minho next to him every second of the day and he hates it when Minho walks him to the front door and kisses him goodnight before leaving.

Today, Jisung decided he would ignore Minho for no reason. He just felt he had to. Minho had texted Jisung a goodmorning message, asking if he slept well and to meet him at the usual spot (Jisung's locker). Minho didn't get a reply from Jisung but he noticed Jisung left him on 'read'. Minho waited for Jisung at the lockers, but Jisung never showed up and when Minho sent Jisung another message, it would also be on 'read' with no reply.

Minho was now in science class, wondering why Jisung was not replying to his messages and why Jisung didn't show up to his locker. Minho did not like doing this, but he decide to text Felix and ask him about Jisung. Minho watched as Felix was texting something back, but after a while, it seemed Felix stopped typing and Minho never received a reply. Minho was getting annoyed now, 'what is going on? Did I do something wrong?'

Minho is in the music room eating lunch with the guys, except Jisung wasn't there. Minho had called Jisung three times already but he would never answer. His text messages were not even left on read anymore, Jisung was just ignoring him all day. Minho decided he had enough of this and he left the music room without saying goodbye to the guys. Minho stepped outside the music room and looked around, thinking about where Jisung could be.

Minho had been searching around the campus for Jisung but couldnt find him. He checked the caferteria, the library, the gym, some of Jisung's classes, the nurse's office, but he couldn't find him. He had also called Jisung a few more times, but now it would go straight to voicemail. Minho decided he would not let Jisung get away with this, he has to show Jisung a lesson that will make him think twice about ignoring Minho again.

Minho gave up on looking for Jisung since he wasn't even at the fields, so he decided to sit down underneath a huge tree with shade. Minho checked his messages with Jisung and he started sending him more texts."Hannie, where are you? I have been looking everywhere for you." WHen Minho sent the texts, he heard a phone notification nearby, but he didnt see anyone so he was confused as to where the noise was coming from. Minho sent more messages, "Jisung, I swear you will regret ignoring me once I find you" This time Minho didn't hear the text notifications, but he heard sniffles. He heard sniffles coming from behind him, so he decided to look around the tree and see where it was coming from. Minho was shocked to see Jisung curled up with his face hiding close to his knees. Jisung was crying and Minho didn't know why. Minho crouched down next to Jisung and embraced him into a tight hug. Jisung inhaled a sharp breath since he wasn't expecting someone, but once he saw it was Minho, he started crying. Minho was frowning because his Jisung was hurting and he wasn't there for him in time. "Hannie, baby, what's wrong?" Minho kept Jisung in a tight hug and he started brushing his soft hair with his fingers. Jisung stopped crying and was now back to quiet sniffles. "Baby, look at me." Minho pleaded for Jisung to face him, but Jisung refused. Minho decided to grab Jisung's cheeks and make him face him. Minho saw Jisung's puffy red eyes and his small red nose. Minho decided to do what made Jisung giggle the cutest, give him kisses on every pretty spot on his face. After a few kisses, Jisung was already giggling and begging for Minho to stop, but of course Minho wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

Minho and Jisung were now cuddling underneath the tree, they had been there for 30 minutes now. Minho was comforting Jisung by brushing his hair and keeping him close to him. "do you want to tell hyung why you were crying baby?" Jisung stayed silent, not wanting to tell Minho he was planning on ignoring him the entire day because he was jealous of Jeongin... but again, what good reason would he come up with? Jisung nodded his head in response and shifted closer to Minho, "I- I missed you hyung." Jisung whispered in a quiet voice, but Minho could hear him perfectly fine. Minho smiled and gave Jisung a kiss on his head, "but why were you ignoring me Hannie?" Jisung sniffled, 'I-I'm so-sorry hyung" Minho grabbed Jisung's face and made him look at him in the eyes, "Jisungie, no more crying. You're too cute to cry. You also don't have to apologize to me, i'm sorry if I did something to you. Whatever it is, just tell me so I won't do it again because it makes me so sad to see you like this." Jisung was now staring at Minho with glossy eyes, thinking about why he would even want to ignore Minho in the first place, Minho makes him the happiest and even after completely ignoring him, he is still showing him more than enough kindness. "hyung, you didn't do anything wrong." Jisung started to explain with a low voice, he tried looking down, but Minho wouldn't let him. "I-I was just jealous because you always look so happy with Jeongin and I feel like I don't make you happy enough." Jisung watched as Minho's expression turned into a frown, "why would you think like this Jisung? Of course i'm happy with you. You are the reason why my heart wants to jump out of my chest every-time I stare into your beautiful honey-like eyes. Your laugh is the only music I need and being able to hug you is the best thing that has happened to me." Jisung was now blushing and sniffling, loving every word that was coming out of Minho's mouth. Minho gave Jisung a sweet smile, "Jisung, I love you." Jisung's eyes opened wide after hearing Minho's confession, now Jisung's heart felt like it was about to jump out of his chest. Minho didn't want to force Jisung to say I love you back, so he leaned in gave Jisung a kiss. Jisung melted into the kiss and closed his eyes, wanting to kiss Minho forever. Jisung said in between the kiss, "I love you too Hyung."

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