I forgot my bag

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They had spent the entire day with Hyunjin and Seungmin. Ater they watched some of the news, they did karaoke and played games. Of course, they got hungry again so they all pitched in to get pizza delivered. In the end, they all had a great day and they would all love to hang out again as a group.

The two were outside Jisung's house. Jisung had spent the last couple of nights at Minho's house and Jisung really didn't want to come home to be alone again, but he can't just move in with Minho. It's not like they're married or anything, so he decided to invite Minho over, and hopefully getting a yes. "Hyung, thank you for taking care of me and for spending good times with me." Minho chuckled at the younger and pinched his cheeks, "Hannie, you're just too cute." Jisung blushed, "hyung,can you stay with me?" Minho raised his eyebrow, "why are you even asking? I'm just waiting for you to unlock the door so we can go inside." Jisung's blush got darker, feeling dumb for asking the question. Jisung quickly unlocked his door and stepped inside his house, letting Minho in behind him. Minho turned around to close and lock Jisung's door. Minho felt Jisung's arms slither around him from behind and he felt as Jisung put his head on his back, "Hyungie, carry me to my room" Jisung softly mumbled. Minho smiled and grabbed Jisung's arms to unwrap them from him. Minho managed to get out of Jisung's embrace and turned around to face a sleepy Jisung. Minho chuckled and smoothly lifted Jisung up and carried him upstairs to his room. Minho tried putting Jisung on the bed, but Jisung was clinging on to him like a koala and wouldn't let go. Jisung started giggling once he heard Minho struggle and let go of him, resulting in Jisung laying on the bed. Minho let out a sigh of relief since he was getting a bit tired of holding Jisung up for long. Minho quickly layed down and closed his eyes, "goodnight Jisung." "night night hyung."

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Jisung woke and looked around his room for Minho, "why is he always leaving.." Jisung pouted. Jisung decided to get ready for school and grab a quick breakfast before leaving.

Jisung checked his phone and saw he had a text message from Minho, "Goodmorning baby. I hope you slept well. I'm sorry i'm not there to give you morning kisses, but I had to get ready for school. I'll be waiting for you in-front of your locker." Jisung smiled at the cute morning message and dashed out of his house, forgetting his backpack.

Jisung was speed walking down his block and he heard a familiar loud voice calling him, "My one-day-hyung! WAIt-UP JISUNG-AH!!" Jisung turned around and watched as Felix ran up to him. Felix was now infront of Jisung, trying to catch his breath, "dang! Why are you in such a hurry today! I- phew! I have been calling you for a while now hyung!" Jisung grabbed Felix' arm and started walking along with him, "I'm just excited to go to school, that's all." Felix was still trying to catch his breath, "b-but hyung.. you don't even have your backpack, how can you be going to school." Jisung started laughing, "what are you talking about" Jisung wanted to scream loudly at himself for being so dumb, "fml." Was all Jisung said before ditching Felix to go back for his backpack. Felix started laughing, loudly... and this made students' attention be on Felix since they all thought he was crazy for laughing by himself. Changbin was one of the students watching Felix, but he admired how cute he looked. Felix turned around and started walking to school, "Jisung is so silly how can he be like that." Felix was now walking and talking alone, but then his eyes met the most beautiful pair of eyes he has ever seen, "CHANGBINNIE HYUNG! GOODMORNING!"

When Jisung made it to school, the hallways were empty and he was already 5 minutes late to his class. Felix texted him saying he would cover up for him. Jisung was upset because he wouldn't see Minho this morning, so he walked up to his locker pouting. Jisung sighed and opened his locker, getting the books he needed. Jisung shrieked when he felt someone slam his locker shut and grabbed him and turned him around. Jisung opened his eyes and saw Minho had trapped him between his arms. Jisung smiled and looked up at Minho, "Morning hyu-" Jisung couldn't finish his greeting since Minho smashed their lips together. Jisung closed his eyes and kissed Minho back, he was blushing into the kiss, but missed Minho so much even though he just saw him last night. Minho departed from the kiss and stared intensely into Jisung's eyes. "baby, you didn't text me back and you never showed up to your locker. Is everything okay?" Minho's voice was soft and concerned, Jisung blushed a darker shade and nodded, "y-yes hyung. I just had to go back home because I forgot to grab something." Minho smiled and gave Jisung a small kiss on his nose, "okay baby, let's walk you to your class."

It is lunchtime and Jisung received a message from Minho saying to meet him for lunch in the music room. Jisung was confused since they always sat in their regular table during lunch with all guys, but he listened to Minho anyways. Jisung walked to the music room and say Felix entering, Jisung ran to the front door behind Felix, excited to meet his friends. Jisung stepped in and saw the other guys were gathered around eating pizza and chicken while drinking soda. Minho waved at Jsiung and he got up and walked to him. "baby, I missed you." Jisung smiled and the sweet Minho and gave him a hug, "missed you too hyungie. why are we here today?" Minho grabbed Jisung's hand and walked him to the table so he could also start eating. Everyone turned to the front door and saw as Chan walked in, "hello everyone."

Chan joined the guys and everyone was enjoying lunchtime together. Chan decided it would be best for the guys to eat lunch alone in the music room since everyone was staring at them weird all day long. Everyone that watched the news quickly found out who the guys under JYP are and they wouldn't stop asking questions about how they felt and if they still had abilities. It was getting on their nerves since everyone was asking ridiculous questions and they were starting to treat them like complete aliens. So instead of having all eyes on them in the cafeteria, they ate lunch in the music room. Jisung didn't know the guys were getting this treatment.

Jisung and Minho were walking home afterschool, but they decided to stop at the ice-cream store. "hyung, I don't think I'm ready to be leader of the music room. Chan-hyung is asking for too much from me.." Minho could hear the worriedness in Jisung's voice, "You'll do just fine, and I'll still be there anyways. At least until next year." Jisung gave Minho a smile, "okay, and you promise to help me?" Minho chuckled at the younger, "only if you want me to." Jisung put his hands together, pouted, and gave Minho sad puppy eyes, "pwease hyungiee!" Minho gave Jisung a kiss on the nose before opening the door to the ice-cream shop and motioning Jisung to walk in.

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