Part 24

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It's been two months since Jisung and the guys last saw Hyunjin and Seungmin. Jisung and Minho have been spending less time together since Minho once again got taken to see JYP after he was spotted at a cafe with Jisung. Minho found it strange how he didn't see Seungmin or Hyunjin when everyone was at lunch. Minho had hoped to be able to see them since they were gone for a much longer time, but himself was busy with JYP's orders.

What was supposed to be their most special/awaited day (the show they have been practicing for) turned out to be successful, but sad. Chan, Changbin, and Jisung performed their rap skills to the entire university, earning a-lot of fame after the school saw how much talent they had. many more people signed up and registered to join the music club for next semester and KQ entertainment had actually invited the boys for an important talk. Apparently the leader of 'ATEEZ', Kim Honjoong, went to see the performance and was amazed at the rap skills the 3 boys had and informed the CEO of KQ that their talent was so amazing that they could make a huge collaboration together and take over the entire kpop community. Chan, Changbin, and Jisung were interested and they for sure will take the opportunity, but Chan felt so sad because Seungmin and Hyunjin were not able to perform. Chan's most precious friends worked so hard throughout the semester to put on an amazing show, but sadly they were stuck with JYP. Minho performed with Felix, but they felt incomplete without Hyunjin.

It is now early December and everyone is getting ready for final exams and the holidays. Jisung was happy to be spending time with Felix studying, they are both acing their courses and have been congratulated by their teachers because they would be put in the Honors program starting next semester. Jisung is amazed that he has the opportunity to be in the honors program, but wants to focus mainly on his music. Felix will go ahead and take the honor programs, hoping to get classes with Seungmin and learn more korean. Chan will be graduating at the end of next semester so he has announced Jisung as the new leader of the Music Club. Changbin declined the role since he wanted to follow Chan and pursue their career in rapping, hopefully with KQ.

At JYP's Mansion.... there is some starvation content you won't like, i'm sorry for this

Jeongin was now in the dark kitchen in the middle of the night making a bunch of sandwiches and stuffing apple juices in his pockets. He froze when he heard someone's footsteps getting closer. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw it was just Woojin. "hyung, I almost had a major heart attack. I thought it was JYP or his guards." Woojin gave jeongin a small smile, "Jeongin, you are the best friend anybody can ask for. Only you would risk getting in trouble for the sake of others." Jeongin gave Woojin a weak smile and started shedding massive tears. Woojin walked up to the boy and embraced him in a tight hug. "it's okay baby, everything will come to an end. Just keep being the strong little boy I know." Jeongin stopped crying and sniffled," y-yes hyung." Woojin felt as Jeongin calmed down and he let go of him to continue making the sandwiches. Jeongin finished and quickly cleaned up before walking to the dormitories that were kept one level above the basement but still underground. Woojin followed behind Jeongin admiring him for being so kind.

They made it to the room dim-lighted room Jeongin has been coming to every night he had the chance to. "h-hello hyungs" jeongin greeted with a small smile. Seungmin and Hyunjin ran up to Jeongin and thanked him for the food before munching on the sandwiches. Jeongin was surprised at how much weight Seungmin and Hyunjin have lost since he last saw them. Jeongin couldn't help but turn to his Woojin hyung and hide himself into his embrace. Woojin could hear Jeongin's sniffles and felt as his shirt got damped with Jeongin's tears. Seungmin and Hyunjin stopped eating and started crying along with Jeongin. "Innie, please don't c-cry. You have done everything in your will to keep us still a-alive." Seungmin cried as he took Jeongin into his embrace. Jeongin stopped crying and lifted his face to meet Seungmin's eyes, "hyung, I don't want you to suffer like this. You really don't deserve any of this. I'm so sorry i didn't come for the last 3 nights." Seungmin smiled and wiped Jeongin's tears away, "thank you my little brother, how lucky we are to have you." Hyunjin joined the two into a tight hug and after they all calmed down, they continued eating and decided to talk for a while before Jeongin had to leave.

Woojin shared with the boys how he was nearly done with all the vaccines per victim that needs one. He already injected 3 rats 2 days ago to see if they had any effect. The results should be in by tomorrow, and if it has a positive effect then he will little by little inject everyone until the last victim is free from their animal transformations. He plans to encourage everyone under JYP's rule to leave once they are cured. Many don't have a family to go to since they were abandoned after their parents found out about their malfunction, but Woojin stills says its better for them to find a place away from JYP. The boys have hope that they will be done with everything soon.

The next day, Seungmin and Hyunjin were seen by JYP and were informed that they would be moved to a room next to the other "pets". JYP decided they had their enough for their punishments; he was surprised at how long the two boys went without eating. He did notice their major weight loss and was satisfied with what he has caused. JYP informed the boys they would be going back to their house and school in 1 week from today. "Once you guys leave this place, never come back. I don't know why you are not transforming, but I don't need you in my mansion anymore. Go and find yourselves some new owners." JYP laughed as he walked away from the two sad boys. Once JYP was out of their sights, Hyunjin embraced Seungmin into a hug, "we don't have to comeback here again Minnie." Seungmin smiled, "I just hope Woojin succeeds because Won't be able to live without seeing him or Jeongin again."

don't take this the wrong way.. I don't hate JYP entertainment hahaha.. he is just evil in this story. I have heard that jyp is possibly a perv, but honestly I don't know much about him.... I just support Day6, Stray Kids, twice and Got7 because they have so much talent. Also, I added ATEEZ to the story bc i needed another company for the boys to do their 'debut' in and decided KQ was great. I love ATEEZ if you didn't know. I hope you guys are fine with ATEEZ being in the story.. if not, I can do some changes. thank you, for reading my trashy story.. you really don't have to. but i am updating for the little viewers I get, I just hate when someone starts a story and leaves it without an ending bc they feel no support. I dont want to do that to my little number of viewers. I will try my best to come up with an eding that doesn't sound too rushed, but I really want to finish up this story.. Iknow I skipped alot of time in this chapter, but it is taking so long and we are already in chapter 24....

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