Part 18

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Jisung woke up next to a body. "Minho hyung is still here?" He turned to the body and smiled when he saw the calm expression on Minho's face. "wow, he really was sculpted by God" Minho chuckled and Jisung flushed red. "i'm glad you find me attractive" Jisung turned more red after hearing Minho. "I-I never said that." Jisung crossed his arms and Minho opened his eyes to see a flustered Jisung. "you're so cute." Jisung locked eyes with Minho and blushed again, "you-you're just saying that. I'm not cute, I look like a rodent and nobody likes rats." Jisung pouted and Minho stared at Jisung with a blank face. Jisung sighed, "see, even you don't deny I look like a-" Jisung's words got cut-off by Minho's lips on his. Jisung's eyes grew big and he watched as Minho pulled back. "hy-hyung?" Minho held Jisung's chin so his attention was completely on him. "You are beautiful Jisung. I would expect you to realize by now that I like you. And if you're going to be calling yourself an animal, then I think you're my little quokka." Jisung giggled, "Minho-hyung, You're the sweetest!" jisung was about to hug Minho but then remembered he would transform into a cat. Minho chuckled at Jisung's actions, "Hyung, since I can't hug you can I kiss you?" Minho blushed, "you dont have to ask me again." Jisung blushed and moved closer to Minho's face and shut his eyes. He gave Minho a small peck and pushed Minho away and quickly got off the bed and ran to the restroom. Minho was shocked and ran after Jisung. Jisung had already locked himself in the restroom and turned the shower water on. Minho knocked on the door, "Jisungie, you still owe me my goodmorning kiss. You can't escape from me honey." Minho could hear Jisung giggling from the other side of the door, "Sorry hyung! I can't hear you!" Minho chuckled and left downstairs to make breakfast.

When Jisung finished showering he peeked outside the bathroom door and searched to see if Minho was hiding from him. Jisung tiptoed to the room door and locked it. he started getting ready and heard no noise in the house so he wondered if Minho had left. "Hyung!" Jisung shouted, no response. Jisung swung open his bedroom door and ran down the stairs, "HYUNG!" he shouted louder, still no response. Jisung entered the living room and was surprised when Minho popped out from the side of the living room entrance and gave him a kiss on the lips. Jisung blushed, "hyung, I thought you left." Minho smiled, "i would never leave my baby boy alone!" Jisung blushed again and grabbed Minho's hand and walked to the kitchen.

When they got to the kitchen, Jisung was surprised to see that Minho had already finished making breakfast. "Hyung? You cooked all of this? I was supposed to help you!" Jisung pouted. Minho rubbed Jisung's head, "come one cutie, let's eat. We have school in an hour." Jisung served Minho and himself the breakfast Minho had prepared and offered something to drink. They were eating in a peaceful quiet until someone rang the doorbell. Jisung was confused but went up to the door. The doorbell rang 4 more times before Jisung swung open his door. "JISUUUNG!" Felix shouted and threw himself on Jisung. "oh my god, Felix let go of me. you're suffocating me!" Felix let go of Jisung and chuckled, "sorry, i was just so excited! mmm something smells good, and its not you. Felix is hungry too!" Jisung giggled, "come on, let's get you breakfast." Jisung followed Felix to the kitchen and thought to himself whether he was in his own home or not.

"woah, Jisung.. you didn't tell me you had your crush over." Felix said in a loud whisper. Minho glared at Felix and Jisung blushed, "come Felix. Serve yourself food." Felix skipped to the counter. "Oh my god! Minho is so lucky to have you as his boyfriend! Who wouldn't want a hubby that can cook!" Jisung choked and Minho stabbed his food with his fork. "actually Felix, Minho-hyung made the breakfast. haha" Jisung rubbed the back of his neck while looking down at his shoes. Felix's eyes grew big, "WOAH MINGO CAN COOK!" Minho glared at Felix, "it's MINHO" Minho said in a stern voice, "and shouldn't you be bothering Changbin?" Felix looked upset, "um yeah.. B-Binnie." Jisung was concerned for Felix, "is something wrong Lix?" Felix looked up at Jisung, "No, just Changbin doesn't pay much attention to me anymore." Minho's facial expression softened, "he is probably just too busy with the music club. the show is soon and Chan and Changbin always stress around that time." Felix smiled, "you're right hyung. I should give Changbin some alone time to do his work." Felix joined the two boys for breakfast and every once in a while would compliment Minho's cooking. Minho started opening up to Felix and decided Felix is not so bad. 'Felix just has a child's heart and mentality' he thought. Felix raised his eyebrow and Minho was shocked when he realized he said that out-loud. The boys started laughing and finished eating their breakfast.

after breakfast, Minho went home to change into his school uniform and get ready for school while Felix and Jisung walked to school together. "so, minho hyung?" Felix questioned Jisung and put an arm around his neck. Jisung stuttered, "wh-what about him?" Felix chuckled, "how long have you been sleeping together? How was your first kiss? Did you feel sparks? i heard that if you really found true love that your kiss sparks and i think it sets your mouth on fire or something like that." Felix scratched his head while thinking about what he just said. Jisung sighed, "Felix, that only happens in fanfics. this is real life buddy" Felix giggled, "Oh okay! Because I was thinking how you can be belle and Minho is the beast because he is so rude sometimes and then the beautiful princess true love saves the evil beast!" Jisung softly slapped Felix's head,"Minho-hyung is not a beast. He might turn into an animal, but he is the cutest and softest animal ever!" Felix stopped walking and stared at jisung, "dude, you're so whipped for that beast." Felix took off running before Jisung could say anything else, "Hey Lix! Wait up!"

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