Part 23

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Seungmin was doing his college work two hours before his afternoon classes started when he received a text message from JYP. "My men have inform me of something interesting they noticed in you and Hyunjin." Seungmin felt a sweat drip down from reading the message. 'ding'ding'. Seungmin flinched when he heard two more text messages. One was from Hyunjin, "did jyp text you?" Seungmin sighed when he read the message, knowing Hyunjin and him would be in trouble for the next few months. Seungmin read the other message from JYP, "I want you and Hyunjin in my office at 4 today." Seungmin was scared so he did what he thought was the only thing he could do, call Woojin.

'come on, pick up pick up.' "Hey there Seungmin!" Woojin answered on the other side. Seungmin wasted no time in informing Woojin that JYP was going to take Hyunjin and him into experiments because he found out about their sudden stop in transformations. Woojin was sad because he knows how far JYP takes things and can't really help Seungmin because if JYP finds out Woojin is making anecdotes, then all his work will be destroyed and he won't be able to provide the vaccines for the other guys. "seungmin, I don't know what to tell you, but listen to me. JYP can never find out that i am making a cure for this disease." Seungmin sniffled but nodded his head, "ye-yeah hyung. bye i'll see you soon."

It is lunch time and Changbin and Felix were already sitting down at their usual spot eating. Minho came along with Chan and joined the two. Hyunjin came running to the table to spread the news about him and Seungmin being called by JYP. Everyone was upset that Seungmin and Hyunjin were going to be taken for a while, and they felt useless. Hyunjin pouted and put his chin on the table. Chan softened his gaze towards Hyunjin, "hey pal, it's going to be okay. Ya hear me? Woojin will make the cure again and once he treats us, hopefully erasing JYP's mistake forever, we can leave JYP. We will be away from him and happy." Hyunjin looked up at Chan and made a weird face, "who the hell is that?" Chan turned around and saw a girl standing behind him and Minho. "omg, babe! I missed you so much! Why didn't you text me?" The girl pushed Chan to the side and squeezed herself to sit on Minho's lap. Minho frowned, "what are you talking ab-" Minho was stopped mid-sentence by the girl's lips meeting his. The whole table was confused and disgusted. Hyunjin looked up to see Jisung staring at Minho and Chayoung. "you're such a good kisser!" Minho pushed the girl off of her and stood up, "don't touch me. I don't even know you." Jisung lifted his face up and saw as Minho left the table and met eyes with him. Minho's eyes widened. "baby, please. it's not what it looks like." Chayoung made a disgusted face, "baby? ew wtf. Minho get back over here. You're not gay." Jisung stared at Minho, "i have seen enough" He whispered to Minho. Jisung walked up to the girl. "i'm sorry what's your name again? Nevermind that, I dont give a shit about it. But why are you kissing my boyfriend and claiming him as your own? Let's get this through your thick skull. Minho is not single, he is infact in a very happy relationship with the boy standing in front of your face so stay away from him unless you want me to shave your hair off." Chayoung scoffed and crossed her arms, "as if he would want you, you're just a desperate rat-looking donkey." Jisung felt offended by the rude names Chayoung was calling him. Minho came to Jisung and held his hand. Chayoung looked at them with disgust, "are you serious Minho?" Minho took his other hand and lifted Jisung's face to give him a soft kiss. Chayoung scoffed and stomped away. Jisung was a blushing mess since they just kissed in the cafeteria with about 500 people watching. Jisung could hear people whisper about the situation and he saw as some students took pictures of him and Minho. Hyunjin was stunned at the entire thing, "who the hell was that?"

"you owe me lunch." Jisung pouted at Minho. Minho chuckled, "anything for my baby." Minho went to go get Jisung lunch while Jisung didn't take his eyes off of him. Jisung knows Minho didn't do anything wrong, but he can't risk having another guy or girl jump on Minho again. "geez Ji, you're gonna burn holes on Minho's back." Chan chuckled. Jisung pouted, "I know hyung. I am just looking after him." Hyunjin stood up, "well guys, I will go meet Seungmin outside his class before we leave to see JYP." Jisung's eyes widened. "why do you have to go there?" Hyunjin pouted, "we are in trouble.. we have never been in trouble so this is new, but i have heard what happens in there." Jisung shivered, "I hope you guys are okay." Hyunjin smiled, "don't worry, Chan hyung gave me a comforting talk. See ya guys!" Hyunjin left and Minho came back with Jisung's lunch. Jisung noticed Minho got a cheesecake on the side, "mmm hyungie, how did you know I love chessecake?" Minho frowned, "I didn't? this is mines not yours." Jisung pouted and started eating his lunch. Minho chuckled, "im just kidding baby, I got it for you. I know how much you love cheesecake. you probably love it more than me." Minho pouted and Jisung took the cheesecake and quickly took a bite, "so good! thanks Hyung!"

Seungmin packed his books and homework and headed outside since his class was finished. He was met with Hyunjin standing outside the door, waiting for him. "hey hyung" Seungmin greeted. Hyunjin faced Seungmin, "hello Minnie. You look so cute today!" Seungmin stopped walking and frowned at Hyunjin, "um, thanks?" Hyunjin's heart was pounding at 4 beats per second and decided to change the conversation, "how was class?" Seungmin couldn't hide a light blush, "um it was good.. I got my exam results and I scored a 120 thanks to the bonus questions." Hyunjin was impressed, "wow my Minnie is so smart." Seungmin's blush got darker, 'MY Minnie? god, why am i blushing?'"haha, yeah. Hyung, we still have 2 hours until we have to meet JYP." Hyunjin grabbed Seungmin's hand, "Minnie, If anything happens I just want you to know that" Seungmin raised his eyebrow, "that what hyung?" Hyunjin blushed, "th-that" Hyunjin inhaled deeply and exhaled letting every word out, "that I like you Miniie. I dont know if you feel the same way about me, but I really like you. You have such a beautiful voice, you're so smart, kind, funny, and I always enjoy the little time I am with you because you make me feel complete and happy." Seungmin froze and processed everything in his head, blushing. Hyunjin lowered his head, "i-it's okay if you dont like me ba-" Seungmin stopped Hyunjin mid-sentence by giving him a small kiss. Hyunjin blushed a deep red and smiled. "I like you too Hyung."

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