The Seahorse

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Jisung was walking to class when someone hugged him from behind and covered his eyes with their hands. "Good morning Jisungie!" a high-pitched voice said. Jisung had never heard that voice before so he was very confused. "wha-who is it?" Jisung shivered and he heard the person start laughing so loud "hahaha, you should see the look on your face!" Felix turned Jisung around and kept laughing while Jisung just stared at him with an annoyed facial expression. "you really scared me Felix! Dont do that, im so surprised it's you. Your voice is the deeper than the trenches, how can you make it that high?" Jisung and Felix kept talking and walked to class together.

After the hour long class, Felix and Jisung were headed to their next class, but before parting ways, Jisung stopped Felix and asked "hey Felix, would you like to come with me to the music club today? It is really fun, i think you will enjoy it!" Felix smiled and hugged Jisung "Yes! I want to go!" Jisung giggled, "okay then, i will see you outside the music room at 2:00?"

Jisung spent the rest of the day paying attention to the lessons, he had an exam approaching and he wants to make an A to impress his parents.

Jisung was finished with his classes for the day, but he decided to study for the exam in the library since there was still an hour before the club started. Jisung was really focused on his math equations when he noticed a figure sat in-front of him. Jisung finished his equation before looking up to see the person in-front him. "oh minho hyung, how are you?" Minho smiled, "you seem to be very focused on your work, do you need any help with that?" Minho blinked his eyes and waited for Jisung to reply, "oh ah.. thanks, but i am studying for my exam this friday!" Jisung replied. Minho moved closer to see what Jisung was working on, "ohh I took that class already, I can help you whenever you need it. We can be study buddies, you know?" Jisung smiled, "really? thanks hyung! how about this Thursday you come over and we study?" "that sounds great Jisungie, now should we get going? Music club starts in 10." Minho said while staring at his watch. "oh yeah! let me just pack up! Omg i almost forgot i was supposed to meet with Felix!" Minho's expression changed, "you seem to be very close to this Felix guy, how do you guys know each another?" Jisung kept packing and answered, "um, well we are both new to this school and Seoul and we became good friends since the first day of school. He is really the only friend I have." Minho grabbed Jisung by his shoulders and turned him to face him. Jisung let out a small gasp from the sudden movement and a light blush appeared on his cheeks when he realized the small space from his and Minho's face, "you know, you can always come to me when you're lonely jisungie" Minho whispered while gently brushing Jisung's bangs to the side.

Minho and Jisung walked to the Music room and they noticed a boy standing outside the door. "Felix!" Jisung shouted and ran to Felix to greet him with a hug, "im sorry im late, i was studying for my exam and lost track of time. Im glad You're here!" Felix let go of the hug and faked cried to Jisung, "oh thank god, i thought you werent going to come or that you forgot about me." Felix and Jisung started laughing, "oh who is this?" Felix stared at Minho with a curious look while Minho just stared at Felix with a blank expression. Felix got closer to Jisung and whispered in his ear "he looks scary hyung, can we go inside?" Jisung started giggling "Felix, this is Minho, and Minho this is Felix! It would be great if both of you got along together since you guys are like my only friends." Felix moved closer to Minho and smiled "Hi there Minho! Nice to meet you!" Felix beamed while bowing at Minho. Minho stared at Felix, gave him a small nod and replied "that's hyung for you" while walking into the music room. Minho left Jisung and Felix with confused looks. "well, not so welcoming to a newbie in the club" Felix sighed. Jisung grabbed Felix's hand and dragged him inside the music club.

Everyone was already working on their performances so Jisung decided to join Chan and Changbin in the recording room. "hey hyungs, I brought Felix with me. He is also interested in joining the music club and he has many talents to share with you." Felix shyly smiled at Chan and Changbin. Changbin looked up at Felix and dropped his pen "woah" is all that came out of Changbin's mouth before Chan said "Okay then! This is perfect! we are always wanting new members! Felix why dont you watch us today and after we finish recording you show us something yourself?" Felix was shy but replied, "oh, of course!"

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