Stray Kitty

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Jisung finished his first week of college and was excited to go home. It was Friday afternoon and all Jisung wanted to do was go home and watch movies on Netflix. Jisung decided to take a shortcut he learned from school to his house because it was very cloudy and the storm was about to start. He had his headphones plugged in and was enjoying his walk, but something caught his attention. He took off his headphones and put them in his pocket. He started walking slowly toward the small figure that was on the bench. He came up to the figure and noticed it was a small cat. "Hmmmm, the kitty does not have a collar! He must be a stray.. I should take him home. what if he is hungry? what if he gets hurt?" Jisung was about to grab the kitty when he noticed a backpack next to the cat. "huh? what is this? a backpack? who left it here? and why are there clothes here?" He picked up the shirt, jean, shoes, and jacket next to the backpack and noticed it was the school's uniform. "what the heck is this? someone from my school left their backpack and clothes here? I should take it home before it gets rained on.. i will just return it tomorrow." Jisung put the clothes in the backpack and flung the backpack on the right shoulder. He slowly picked up the cat and was careful not to wake it up. Jisung started walking home with the cat in his arms. He started running because he felt drops of rain on his head and arms. He tried his best to shield the cat from the rain and ran the last block to his house. He made it home and was reaching for his keys to unlock the front door when the cat started shifting in Jisung's arms.

Jisung quickly unlocked the door and made it inside, shutting and locking the door behind him. The cat was fully awake and now scared of the unknown human carrying him. The cat jumped off Jisung's arms and ran to the corner of the living room and tried his best to hide. Jisung slowly approached the cat "hey there little one, I am not going to hurt you." The cat jumped in jisung's arms when he heard loud thunder outside. Jisung was surprised but held the cat close to his chest and pet his head. "there there you cute little thing. You're okay with papa Jisungie." The cat purred and relaxed in Jisung's embrace. Jisung decided to head upstairs to his room to rest and watch tv. After about two hours of watching tv, Jisung and the cat fell into deep sleep.

Jisung woke up and rubbed his eyes. He remembered the cat he brought home, but it was not in bed with him anymore. He started looking around for the cat "little kitty, where are you my little cutie?" Jisung spent 10 minutes looking for the cat, but he couldnt find him anywhere. he noticed the backpack he had placed in the living room floor was gone. "what the actual F---" Jisung panicked. "i swear i locked my front door last night... how did the cat escape? and take the backpack with him? Was i dreaming all along? Did i imagine the cat and everything? it only makes sense."

Jisung decided to make himself breakfast and clear his mind out of these weird imaginations. Jisung's eye grew big when he noticed he was covered in cat fur, and he dropped his bowl with cereal. "i-i it was not a dream!"

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