Part 21

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A week earlier-

Woojin sat in his lab, testing his ingredients for the vaccine he was working on. He grabbed one of his rats and calmed it down before inserting the syringe into the soft muscle. He watched to see if the rat had any reactions. Nothing. Woojin scanned the rats body to see through the computer if the rat was undergoing anything. He got angry and through all his paper work around the room, slamming his fist on his desk. Woojin pulled his hair and screamed in anger,"fuck you JYP." Woojin cleaned himself up when he heard a knock on his door, "hyung, can i come in?" Woojin wiped the tears he had on his face, "sure. yes, come in."

Jeongin entered Woojin's room, "hyung, I heard screaming and things getting slammed. Are you okay?" Jeongin was worried for Woojin, he looked at the rat and grabbed it and started petting it. Woojin sighed, "yes Innie, everything is fine." Jeongin smiled and got closer to his hyung, "hyungie, it's okay. You don't have to find a cure for our curse. I think we are fine, yeah we are limited to relationships and we have to hide from the community at some point, but we still have each other." Woojin stared at Jeongin, "it's not about that, it's just i know JYP wants to keep us locked in his mansion forever, he has people watching us everywhere. We do one thing he doesn't like and his men are already courting us to his office. I can't live like this forever." Jeongin's smile faded, "yeah, you're right. I wish I could help, but i cannot do any lab work. i'm not as smart as hyungie." Woojin smiled, "sweety, you're the most precious angel in the world. Don't talk bad about yourself." Jeongin smiled and hugged his hyung, "thanks hyung!"

Two days later--still a flashback--

Hyunjin and Seungmin were called down to the JYP building for 'inspection'. while there, JYP congratulated the boys for being good pets and following rules. The boys were uneasy and felt scared the entire time, but were relieved to find they were released in just 2 hours after the inspection. Before the boys left, they went to give woojin a visit.

"Woojin hyung! it's hyunjin and seungmin! letus in!" Woojin sighed when he heard the voice, 'great'.."come in guys!" Hyunjin and Seungmin slammed the door wide open and ran to Woojin to tackle him in a hug. "gwwaaaahhhh" Seungmin yelled while ruffling Woojin's hair. Woojin pushed the boys off, "that's enough. what do you want?" Hyunjin scratched the back of his neck, "hyung,if it makes you feel better, we brought chicken!" Woojin immediately brought the two boys into a tight hug, "omg I love you both so much? Never forget my love for you okay?" Seungmin and Hyunjin died in laughter (not really).

The boys spent the afternoon eating chicken and watching Hyunjin's favorite drama. Hyunjin and Seungmin ended up falling asleep cuddling with each other. Jeongin walked inside the room and saw the two sleeping boys and saw as Woojin inserted the vaccines into Hyunjin and Seungmin. Jeongin's eyes went big as he watched Seungmin shift in his sleep from the pain of the needle. Woojin brushed Seungmin's hair to keep him from waking up and looked up to meet eyes with a scared looking Jeongin. Jeongin flinched when his hyung caught him watching, Woojin stood up and walked towards Jeongin while Jeongin held tight on the doorknob. "sweety, you might not understand, but i think this might work since the rat showed a fighting substance towards the bacteria." Jeongin calmed down, "okay hyung, I just don't want to see anyone in pain again. The look on Minho's face last month made me cry." Woojin held the small boy in his arms, "I know, i'm sorry."

end of flashback!

Seungmin texted Woojin about the experience he had with Hyunjin. Woojin quickly examined the rat and saw how the rat no longer had any of the bacteria, "what the!" Woojin was filled with excitement and gave Seungmin a call, "seungmin, explain to me again exactly what happened!"

"so, you're telling me Woojin injected us when we were sleeping and the vaccine finally took effect and we no longer turn into animals?!" Hyunjin screamed on his phone after hearing Seungmin's explanation. "this means, Woojin has actually solved our problems! what are we waiting for! Have everyone get the vaccine!" Seungmin sighed on the other side, "hyunjin, woojin said he destroyed his vaccines after getting angry that the experiment showed no sign and he has to start over again. The good thing is that he remembers what he used since he wrote everything down, but unfortunately he used up all the materials so he has to get some shipped from England and China," Hyunjin pouted, "why did hyung have to do that. I hope he can get the materials, You heard what JYP told us the day we were there. Anyways, I have to go. dance is starting and Minho is already here."

Hyunjin hung up the call and faced Minho as he entered the dance room, "hey Minho hyung!" Minho smiled, "how's it going? you seem excited, did you finally confess to Seungmin?" Hyunjin blushed, "hyuuuung! no, it's not that. Seungmin told me Woojin hyung has found a cure for our curse, but he destroyed all of it by mistake and he has to start over again." Minho sighed, "and how is he so sure it works?" Hyunjin smiled, "He injected Seungmin and I a while ago and the day of Jisung's birthday we didn't transform!" Minho's eyes went big, "AAAAND HE DESTROYED IT!?!"

Minho was mad that Woojin destroyed their only way of fixing themselves, but on the inside he felt so happy. He was happy because he finally found a chance and hope that he might finally be normal. he can't wait to interact with others and stop hiding from everyone. He wants to forget every time someone called him gross for being an animal and forget the pain he felt in his heart when his closest friends would leave him when they found out about his secret. but most of all, He can't wait to hug Jisung forever without transforming into a cat.

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