Part 25

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Jisung's POV

I decided I would be 10 minutes earlier than usual today since it is Friday and I am in very happy mood. I see Felix is already at his locker with Changbin. I can hear Changbin talking but I cannot make out what he is saying, all i know is that he almost has Felix dead from laughter. Just as i was about to call to Felix, a feel a shove. "um-" Is all that I can say before I am cut off, "who the hell do you think you are? The other day I left the cafeteria because I felt second-hand-embarrassment for you. I can't believe you actually think Minho likes you." I roll my eyes at the annoying girl yelling at me and start walking away from her. "HEY HEY HEY, COME BACK HERE. I AM NOT DONE TELLING YOU WHAT I NEED TO." I feel as she starts running up to me since I didn't listen to her when she told me to go back, why would I? She is wasting my time and killing my happy Friday mood. I quickly turn around when I feel her nails digging into my wrist, "LET GO OF ME, BITCH." I say through gritted teeth. Her eyes go wide and she lets go of my wrist. I turn around and continue walking to my locker and notice Minho there, staring at me. I make my way to Minho, "hyung! How are you! I have not seen you in a while now."Minho grabs my wrist and checks for any bruises or marks. I see him exhale when he finds nothing and he proceeds in leaving a gentle kiss on my wrist. I stare at Minho in admiration, he seems to be getting prettier everyday, or maybe I just missed him that much. "Hannie, I am free this afternoon. Would you like to spend time with me?" My heart speeds up a little, "YES!" I scream out, resulting in Minho chuckling and ruffling my hair. I love when he touches my hair, it gives me a warm, cozy feeling. I proceed in unlocking my locker and get my books out.

Minho grabs my hand and we both start walking to my first class. I hear a message notification but it is not my phone and a few seconds later, Minho is staring at his phone with huge eyes. "what the -" he says but doesn't finish. "what is it hyung?" I question, eager to know what the news are. "It's Woojin hyung, he said he is done with the vaccines and has actually started vaccinations and wants me to be there in an hour." I watch as Minho sends a reply to Woojin, he looks so happy and excited. "can I come too hyung?" Minho stares at me, "jisung, I have to go to JYP. You know how he is, I have been getting in trouble for hanging out with you... imagine what he will do if i just casually take you to the building?" I sigh, "fine, but we will still have the afternoon to ourselves..right?" I pout and look at my shoes. Minho raises my face up by holding my chin and I am forced to meet his starry eyes, "of course baby."

Minho's POV

I have been standing outside the JYP building inspecting everybody that gets outs. Everyone looks confused, have they never been outside? JYP let us go to school, and now that I think about it I have never seen everybody else outside of the JYP building. I get a message from Woojin saying to enter the building and to head to Jeongin's room so he can take me to the lab. I I hate coming here, but in rare cases like this I wouldn't think TWICE about it. I quickly enter the building and notice how many people are just hanging around in the kitchen and the living room. What is this madness, I have never seen this place so lively. Where is JYP? "hyung!" I hear a familiar Voice[s] call me and I turn around to be greeted by a smiley Jeongin. "hello Innie, how are you?" Jeongin engulfs me in a tight hug, "I missed you hyung, come on!" i let myself get dragged by Jeongin, It seems he is as excited as I am.

When we make it to Woojin's workplace, I notice the line of people. It is less people than those in the living room. Woojin must be exhausted from all the work he has been doing, he really is passionate about giving us a normal life. I am so glad my troubles will be erased by a single vaccine. Woojin looks up from his work and smiles at me before signaling to go to him. "hello hyung." I greet him with a pat on the back. "Minho, JYP is not here so I will finish up with this person then I will vaccinate you, but I will need you to take a briefcase home with you. It has more vaccines which I will be using on Chan and Changbin, but I also have all the information I used to make these vaccines. I will have to clear everything out from this lab and leave no evidence before I leave. So please, whatever you do Just take care of my briefcase and go home." i nod, not really having anything to say and I watch as Woojin vaccinates the girl that has been patiently waiting for her turn.

Not even five minutes later, I am sitting on the chair the girl was previously on and I am waiting for Woojin to prepare the vaccine. Jeongin is next to me, holding my hand. "Don't worry hyung, If you count to ten while Woojin is putting the vaccine, you don't even feel anything." I smile at Jeongin's recommendation and watch as Woojin approaches me. Will I miss turning into a cat? Hell no. Will I miss being babied and held my Jisung, Maybe? But I would much rather baby Jisung and hold him instead.

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