part 17

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Jisung was feeling really tired after school so he decided to walk home alone and sleep for the rest of the day. Jisung was speed walking because he felt the black car has been following him for a while now. right before Jisung made it to his block, a man with a black tux and shades pulled down his window and yelled, "You better get in Mr. Han, unless you want your boyfriend to suffer." Jisung froze when he heard his name being mentioned and wanted to cry, but decided to listen to the man because he didn't want Minho in any more trouble.

Jisung was in the back seat of the car next to a lady wearing all black with her hair in a bun. He felt nervous and scared because he didn't know where they were taking him but he had an idea it would be to see Park Jinyoung. Jisung got a text from Minho but he didn't know whether it was a good idea to see it or not because he didn't want them to take his phone away or find out that he had contact with Minho. Jisung turned his phone in an angle that he was sure the lady couldn't see his screen and read the message, "Jisung, where are you? I am waiting outside the school gates." Jisung felt guilty for leaving Minho but didn't text him back. He hoped Minho would just go home. The car came to a stop and Jisung looked up to see a mansion. "woah"

"sir, get off the car and let me take you to the entrance where the master is waiting." Jisung shivered at the lady's words, he wanted to run away and get as far away as possible from there. "um yeah. what am i doing here?" The lady gave Jisung a smile, "you're here to meet someone really important. Don't worry, he is completely harmless." Jisung followed behind the lady and went up the stairs to the entrance of the house. After the lady inserted the code, she gave Jisung another smile and stepped aside, "after you!"

Jisung saw a huge space what looked like a party room decorated in all gold. He looked around and searched for pictures of people that live here. He came across these walls filled with many pictures of different people. He noticed Minho and Chan were there. Jisung wanted to keep looking to see if he recognized anyone else but was disturbed when he heard the lady speak, "Mr. Han, you can tour the mansion after the talk with the master, He does not like to wait." Jisung turned around and followed the lady up the stairs.

They were walking down a long, dark hallway. They came to stop in front of a tall door where a bodyguard bowed and greeted them before they were let inside. Jisung was now inside the "master's" room, standing there with his shaky knees. "Master, I have the boy you asked for. is this everything you need?" The lady was bowing while waiting for the man to reply. The man was sitting in his office chair staring outside the windows. He quickly spun around and stood up, "That's all Jihyo, you can leave now." The lady left the room and shut the door. Jisung was even more scared now. He saw Park Jinyoung turn around his desk and walk towards him. They were now about 2 feet away from each other. Jisung gulped and JYP smirked at how terrified Jisung looked.

"DO i need to teach you manners child? I did not get a proper greeting from you." Jisung was shocked to hear JYP's angry voice. He quickly got on his knees an placed his hands on the floor with his forehead on top of his hands. JYP turned around and walked back to his desk. "Come to my desk." Jisung obeyed what JYP told him. He still had not said a word. Jisung sat in the chair in front of JYP's desk. "who told you to sit? GET OFF MY CLEAN CHAIR!" Jisung quickly got off the chair, "woah, i didn't know you cared so much over a chair when you have gold in every corner of the room." JYP scoffed and crossed his arms. Nobody ever talks back to him, but here was this unknown child filled with confidence to make him more angry. Jisung on the inside is burning with terror, he didn't mean to talk back to the man, but he was shocked at how offended JYP was when he sat on the chair.

JYP cleared his throat, "Why do you spend time with worthless animals?" Jisung flinched at how much hate JYP had in his voice, "worthless?" JYP started laughing, "You're so stupid Jisung. So desperate for attention that you even hang out with pets? Well let me tell you something, I worked hard to get the public to forget about my mistake and I will not let a stupid child ruin my life again. I am giving you a warning Jisung, If I see you close to any of my pets again, I will not hesitate to lock you up in my basement and do some "testing" with you." Jisung's eyes teared up a little, not because he was sad but because he was filled with anger. Jisung hates how terrible JYP talks about his friends and he hates how powerless he feels in front of this old man. JYP slammed his hand on his desk, "ARE YOU LISTENING TO WHAT I'M SAYING YOU RODENT!" Jisung was offended, "I am not a rodent! My friends are also not pets. You should be ashamed of yourself. You think you're so powerful, but the truth is, you are just a sad old man who can not admit to his mistakes and tries to blame others for your misfortunes. If you don't like "your pets" so much, then why don't you just let them be free? What written law says you have to keep them forever?" Jisung was breathing loudly at this point, he was filled with anger and was shocked at the words that came out of his own mouth. JYP was more angry at this point; he raised his hand in the air and in one swift motion he slapped Jisung on the cheek. Jisung fell to the floor, holding his left cheek where he felt blood dripping. "You will regret ever talking back to me. Don't try to get all high and mighty with me, Rodent. And don't bother trying to contact any police or help. You will just makes things worse as they already are. STAY AWAY FROM MY PETS OR I WILL NEVER LET THEM OUTSIDE THE MANSION AGAIN."

Jisung was crying on the floor. He wishes he can help his friends from suffering what this man does to them. He hates how weak he presents himself. He stood up and stared at JYP who was standing behind his desk. Jisung sniffled, "why are you like this? How can you live with yourself knowing you're the cause of other's suffering?" JYP was taken back at the words that Jisung told him. He remembered those exacts words from when he was little. "Just, get out of here" JYP quietly said. Jisung turned around and ran to the door and outside the mansion. JYP sat back down on his chair and pulled his hair, he was stressed. "who the hell is that rodent.. where did he even come from?"

Jisung got off the black car that brought him back home. He ran up his stairs and unlocked his door, shutting it behind him when he entered. Jisung started crying and throwing things in his living room, "I HATE THAT UGLY CREEPY UNCLE SON OF-" Jisung was caught off by a hand covering his mouth, "what has my Jisungie so angry all of a sudden?" Jisung's body relaxed after finding out it was Minho. He freed himself from Minho's hand and turned around. Minho gasped once he saw the tears and the bloody scratch on Jisung's face. "what happened Jisung?" Jisung sniffled and dried his tears, "I think if I tell you, you might get in trouble. I am not even supposed to be seeing you anymore." Minho was confused but had an idea who did this to Jisung. Minho grabbed Jisung's hand and took him to the bathroom. "let me clean your wound first, then you will tell me everything." Jisung sniffled again, but followed Minho to the restroom.

Minho turned the lights on and tapped the counter "sit here baby boy" Jisung blushed, "o-okay", he sat on the counter and swung his legs waiting for Minho. Minho opened cabinets and finally found the first-aid kit. "this might hurt a little, but I have to do this. i don't want you to get an infection." Jisung nodded and closed his eyes when Minho started cleaning his wound. "There you are, finished" Minho rubbed Jisungs head and Jisung opened his eyes, a light blush appeared on his face, "thanks hyung. You really didn't have to." Minho smiled, "I wanted to. Now are you going to tell me what happened?"

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