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After half an hour of walking, The boys finally made it to Jisung's house. "let me just unlock my locks. hehe" Jisung spoke up. Chan raised his eyebrow, "what do you have hiding in there? Treasure, gold, billions?" Jisung giggled "long story short, i brought home a cat and he escaped and i thought there was an intruder in the house." Chan chuckled, "so, a cat made you put all those locks on your door. Wow jisung, and you have security cameras in every corner of your house!" chan bursted out in laughter. "hyung! it's not funny! how was i supposed to know that humans can turn into animals and that i brought minho home thinking he was just a normal cat!" Chan stopped laughing and his eyes grew big, "wait, so when you mentioned a cat earlier.. you were referring to minho? So you have seen Minho in animal form? Is this what you wanted to talk to me about earlier?" chan was worried. "um, yeah.. it was an accident actually. I was looking for the cat and Minho appeared and scared me, then i almost fell but Minho caught me and he turned into a cat. I panicked but brought him home and then he transformed back. minho told me the transformations happen at 4pm, but it was only 3pm, and he did mention another reason for transforming, but he didnt know the cause." Jisung let every word escape his mouth, he wanted to talk to someone about this and Chan was the perfect one.

Chan raised his eyebrow, "so, Minho transformed before 4pm and after you fell onto him?" Chan smirked, "hmmm well, this is interesting. but im afraid i have an idea where he might be." Jisung was confused but listened closely to Chan's words. "well, he told me this was a secret and nobody is allowed to know and he was terrified when he mentioned the 'owner'" Jisung replied. Chan sighed, "listen Ji, what im about to tell you is very confidential. so can you keep your mouth shut if i tell you?" "of course Hyung!" Jisung replied.

"well, we have always been animals. since day one. our transforming either occurs at 4pm or.. when we have been hugged by our soulmate. So, yeah i am guessing from what you told me.. that you and Minho are soulmates. Congrats!" Jisung was confused but blushed "what, what does that mean? But where is Minho? what do you mean by you're afraid you know where he might be? hyung, is Minho okay?" Chan chuckled, "let me explain will you? Anyways, our 'owner is Park Jinyoung. He actually is the reason behind all of this. When Park jinyoung was in Medical school, he made a 'cure' for morning sickness for the pregnant ladies. He offered the medicine and turns out, every lady that took the medicine had babies with animal transformation. Most of the parents were mad, but everyone dealt with their children being animals. Minho's parents were tough on him, but thats not my story to tell. I believe right now, he is with Park Jinyoung. He actually has people watching us everywhere. If he finds out about a bad occasion, he will call us to his home and teach us a lesson. This explains why Minho has been gone, but he will be back soon. I should be worrying about my lesson, it wont be long until Park Jinyoung finds out about my incident with you. But, please dont think this is your fault... it has happened many times in the past. Just dont panick when Park Jinyoung wants to have a chat with you." Chan finished explaining and Jisung wanted to cry, "Hyung, i-im so sorry. I didnt know this about you guys, i should have been more careful. Now Minho is in trouble and it is my fault. He might hate me now! waaaahhh" Jisung kept crying and Chan stared with a blank expression. "jisung, i have to go now. and trust me, Minho will never hate you. But do give him some time to talk to you again." Chan was heading towards the exit when Jisung sniffled, "okay hyung, thank you and im sorry for causing trouble." "dont worry about it Ji, see you around."

Chan left and Jisung decided to go to bed, he was devastated about the terrible news. He never wanted Minho to get in trouble, he missed Minho. 'Minho, please forgive me' jisung thought while walking up the stairs. Jisung made it to his room and laid down still sniffling when he heard a tap on his window. being the scardy-cat Jisung was he cover his face underneath his sheets and hoped it was just a tree branch. 'what if its the intruder? what will i do? i will just pretend to be sleeping' Jisung thought. The tapping got louder and Jisung knew he wasnt dreaming, but then he heard a voice "Jisungieee! Open up!" jisung lifted his covers and looked towards the direction of his windows. His eyes grew big when he saw Minho outside with a worried expression.

jisung ran to his window and opened it, letting Minho inside.Jisung bowed at minho, "why- what- Hyung! You're back! Im so sorry! Chan hyung told me about Park Jinyoung and i never wanted this to happen. I was really worried for you and i didnt know you were in trouble. I thought you ran away from me forever and i thought you hated me for knowing your secret and--" Jisung was caught off by minho ruffling Jisung's hair. Jisung blushed and looked up at minho with a smile. "i missed you too Jisungie."

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