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Jisung and Felix were sitting in the living room watching The Avengers and eating popcorn. Felix was into the movie, but Jisung kept thinking about Changbin, Minho, and Chan. He worried about Park Jinyoung giving them terrible punishments. Now that he was thinking about it, he never asked Minho about his punishment, and Minho never mentioned it. Jisung was turned back to reality when he felt Felix's hand on his arm "Jisung, I'm getting sleepy. where will I sleep?" Felix's face looked tired and he rubbed his eyes with his hands. jisung smiled, "um if you want you can sleep on my bed and i can sleep on my bedroom floor just so you're comfortable." Felix grabbed jisung's hand and helped him off the couch, "okay! Let's go to your room, but i want cuddles."

Jisung lent Felix a t-shirt and sweats to change into and he went into the restroom to brush and wash up while Felix changed in the room. When he came back he saw Felix already wrapped in the blanket with his eyes closed. Jisung walked up to Felix and brushed his hair with his hands, "sleep well Lixie!" Jisung was about to turn around to setup on the floor, but Felix's hand gripped onto Jisung's wrist. "I said I want cuddles" Felix mumbled while pulling Jisung onto the bed.

Jisung was now under the covers with Felix, his arms around the boy's waist while Felix had his hands and face on Jisung's chest. Felix fell asleep right away, but Jisung was still awake, thinking about Chan, Minho, and Changbin. Jisung sighed and closed his eyes, "i just hope you're okay."

The boys were asleep so they didnt notice a figure watching them from the window.

Minho sat on Jisung's window, watching how close Felix and jisung were. He didnt like the sight one bit. He didnt like the little space between Felix and Jisung's face. He wishes he could hold Jisung in his arms. He hates that Felix is there instead of him. If only he didnt transform into a cat every time Jisung hugged him. Even as a cat, Minho loves the warmth Jisung gives him.

"mine" Minho whispered while gripping the window.

Minho was about to slide open the window, but decided to not disturb the boys, so he jumped off the window. "whatever" he mumbled and started walking home.

Minho was almost home when he received a text from Chan


Park Jinyoung has called me into his home for the next 4 days. So I need you and Changbin to watch the music club while i'm out.


Yeah, of course Hyung. I hope he is not too rough on you

I have scars that look like they will take a while to heal.


I'm so sorry. You dont deserve any of this. I'm worried for jsisung and Felix.

You know what happens to those that find out.


I dont want to think about that. I dont even know if

I should tell Jisung about it.


not to mention he saw me in my wolf form the other day...

I think Park Jinyoung knows, but for some reason he has not

gone after jisung.

Minho shut his phone and put it inside his pocket. He was tired of hiding from everyone and shutting everyone out. He was tired of being controlled by a man that is not even related to him. All he wants is to be free and to not worry about meeting his owners standards. He hates that Jisung might be in trouble because of him. he hates that he can't even have Jisung because of his malfunction. 'Why can't I just live a normal life? Jisung does not seem to mind me when i'm a cat. Not everyone in this world is disgusted of me... well at least Jisung isnt.' Minho sighed of sadness and irritation and kept walking home.

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