Park Jinyoung

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Felix and Jisung were walking to school while talking about the math exam they had in 30 minutes. Felix had a study guide in his hands and he was looking over some math equations while Jisung was looking around, searching for Minho. Jisung couldnt see Minho anywhere and it made him sigh really loudly, "dont worry Jisung, the test shouldnt be that hard" Felix said while patting Jisung's shoulder. "right," Jisung replied "I studied well. Minho said he would start tutoring me." "that's good! Maybe he can tutor me as well! I am terrible with math." Felix pouted. Jisung smiled and dragged Felix to class, "i think Minho can tutor both of us, now let's go!"

Jisung scanned over his answers on the test before handing it to the professor. Jisung bowed and left the classroom since they were told to leave once they finished the exam. Jisung was walking to the library when he noticed Minho in the hallway. Minho was standing infront of a taller male. Minho's face looked terrified and scared, he was just standing there frozen while the taller male spoke with an angry face. It looked like they were having a serious conversation. Jisung felt uncomfortable for Minho so he decided to walk up to Minho and break the conversation. "Hey Minho hyung!" Jisung shouted while running towards the two. Jisung bowed infront of the taller male, "excuse me sir, but Minho and I have to assist tutoring in the library." Jisung grabbed Minho's hand and started walking away towards the library. The man just watched with an annoyed yet amused facial expression as the two walked away, "that must be Han Jisung" he grinned.

Minho and Jisung entered the library still holding hands. They walked to a table and sat down. Jisung stared at Minho with a worried smile, "hyung, is everything alright?" Jisung turned his head to the side waiting for Minho to reply, "ah.. yes Hannie. I'm fine. Thank you." Minho gave Jisung a smile which made jisung blush and look down at the table. "um, so hyung.. you said you would tutor me right?" Jisung asked and Minho nodded. "okay! Felix said he also wants you to tutor him! he is having trouble in math. Can you do it hyung?" Minho sighed, he didnt really want to spend time with Felix much less help him with his problems. Jisung put his hands together and brought them to his chest while pouting and begging with his sad puppy eyes. "fine, but I dont want anyone messing around" Minho replied. Jisung jumped up and screamed "YAAAAYYY THANK YOU SO MUCH MINHO HYUNG!!"

"wow Jisung, thanks for getting us kicked out of the library" Minho chuckled while walking with jisung. "sorry hyung, i forgot we were in the library and i was just so excited when you said you would tutor Felix and I." "it's fine, we can study at your house anyways" Minho replied. "do you have any classes left Jisung?" Jisung thought for a moment, "um, no. Today was just exams and I finished mines already. what about you? why weren't you in class? who was that man with you earlier." Minho waited for Jisung to ask all his questions before answering, "thats good that you finished your exams. i hope you did well. I Just finished my last class for the day so that's why I wasn't in class and that man is Park Jinyoung. I was heading home since there is no music club, and he was just standing there waiting for me." Jisung got worried at the mention of park Jinyoung's name, "what did he want? are you really okay? Are you in trouble? Are you being taken away again?" Minho stopped walking and looked and Jisung. Minho smiled and brushed Jisung's bangs to the side, "im not in trouble Jisungie, but Chan and Changbin are. And no, i am not leaving again." jisung smiled knowing Minho wasnt leaving, but he felt really worried for Changbin and Chan. Jisung doesnt know what exactly Park Jinyoung does or how he punishes. He remembered how long Minho was gone for. He was glad he had the strength to take Minho away from park Jinyoung. "what are you thinking about Jisungie?" Minho questioned. Jisung stared at Minho, smiled, and grabbed Minho's hand. Minho was surprised by the sudden action, "do you want to do something fun today hyung? I need friends." Minho smiled, "of course, what would you like to do?" Jisung smiled widely and started walking, dragging Minho with him "umm do want to go to a karaoke? we are always in the music room but never interact since you're busy with dancing and i am rapping." Minho smiled, "sure, there's one about 20 minutes away. We can take the bus there." Jisung smiled and started running, "YAAAY LETS GO!"

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