Part 22

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Jisung stepped outside his front door and breathed in the cool autumn breeze. It was a little colder than usual and it made him shiver, but he loved the cold. He fixed his backpack and started walking to school.

"Good Morning baby!" Jisung turned around to see Minho running up to him, Jisung blushed and waited for Minho to approach him. "good morning hyung." Minho scanned Jisung, "you look beautiful." Jisung was a blushing mess so he turned around and kept walking to school. Minho grabbed Jisung's cold hand. "baby, your hands are so cold" Minho pouted. Jisung smiled, "but hyungie's hands are warm so he will keep me warm right?" Minho cooed at how cute Jisung was.

The two entered school with Minho still holding Jisungs hand, not wanting to let go. Many students were staring at them which didn't bother Minho, but Jisung was panicking a little. "are you okay baby?" Minho asked Jisung. Jisung looked up at his hyung and gave him a smile, "yes. I'm ok." Jisung could hear people whispering as they walked past everyone in the hallway. "ew, wtf" "Are they dating?" "minho likes girls! not boys!" "what! Minho is my date! "omg, they look cute" Jisung looked down, not liking all the attention and Minho noticed he was upset. "baby, don't listen to them. You're my little squirrel and the most important person to me." Jisung smiled with a blush, "thanks hyung. I'm just not used to being noticed this much and it makes me uncomfortable." Minho pouted, "i'm sorry Hannie, this is my fault." Jisung panicked, "aah! no hyung! you didn't do anything wrong! I like holding hands with you. You're right, i don't have to listen to what people have to say about me, unless they are my friends." Minho smiled and kissed Jisung's head, "i'll walk you to class." Jisung blushed and opened his locker, getting his books out before shutting the locker and grabbing Minho's hand to walk to his first class. Minho smiled because Jisung held his hand and noticed how Jisung was not looking down in embarrassment.

After classes, Jisung texted Minho he would be going out with Felix since they didn't have Music club. Minho still had one last class to attend before he could go home for the day. Minho was about to enter his class when a hand with long sharp nails grabbed his arm and shoved him to the side. Minho turned around confused and annoyed at who ever did this. He saw a girl standing awfully close to him with a smirk, "hey babe." She breathed out batting her eyelashes like 20 times. Minho rolled his eyes, "um do i know you?" The girl circled Minho, staring at him up and down. "the name's Chayoung. and you're hot." she popped her gum and inserted a piece of paper in Minho's jacket pocket. Minho didn't notice since he found himself being in the weirdest situation. He had many encounters with girls wanting/having interest in him, but they all turned out the same; just wanting money and a one-night-stand. He never gave them either though. Even though the students consider Minho a playboy, he is actually still holding his v-card and his first was when Jisung pecked him that one time they were watching movies. Chayoung ended up leaving and Minho took no notice since he was too busy daydreaming about how soft Jisung's lips were and how they tasted like strawberry. "Lee Minho" Minho heard his teacher call out. "ah, yes sir."

Minho was now walking home from school, but he was walking to Jisung's house actually. He knocked on Jisung's door but got no response. "i guess they're still out." Minho sighed. After 10 minutes, Minho heard a loud laugh followed by, "you're so mean for laughing lixie!" Minho turned to look at his boyfriend walking close to Felix. He noticed how Felix was wearing Jisung's jacket and Jisung was rubbing his arms from the cold. Minho ran up to the two and saw as Felix' eyes got big and he swung his shopping bag, almost hitting Minho. Minho dodged the hit, resulting in Felix sighing. "OH MY GOD, I almost hit you because you came charging at us and I thought you were a thief or something!" Minho ignored Felix, taking his jacket off and putting it on Jisung. Jisung blushed, "hyung, i'm almost home and i'm fine." Minho held Jisung's hand and gave it a kiss, "no, my baby has to stay warm." Jisung blushed and thanked Minho. They stared at each other until they saw a flash and heard a 'click'. Jisung raised his eyebrow, "why did you take a picture of us?" Felix blushed and grinned widely, "YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!!!!!" Minho rolled his eyes and started walking with Jisung, "come on, let's get you home." Felix sent the picture to Jisung and put his phone away. "he'll thank me later."

The three boys were in the living room watching a movie while drinking hot chocolate. Jisung loved sharing moments with his closest friends, he was happy Felix was getting along more with Minho. Jisung put his hands in the pockets of Minho's jacket and felt a plastic thing like paper. He reached his hand out with the paper and unfolded it. He frowned when he stared at the paper, 'chayoung' with a heart and a phone number was written in the slip. Jisung looked at Minho who was fully focused on the movie and then he looked at Felix who was staring back at him with a concerned look. Jisung smiled at Felix and put the paper back in the pocket before looking back at the movie. Jisung felt his heart heavy and didn't know how to confront Minho about the phone number. Jisung thought about keeping the paper with the phone number and texting the person himself without letting Minho know. Minho was now staring at Jisung with a worried look. "are you okay baby?" Jisung flinched, not knowing Minho was sitting closer. Jisung squinted his eyes, frowned and brought his attention to the movie again. Minho couldn't stop thinking about what could be bothering Jisung, but he had no clue.

After the movie, Felix got a text from Changbin asking him to come over. Felix quickly left, leaving Minho and Jisung alone. Jisung went to the kitchen to wash the cups they used for the hot chocolate. Minho followed Jisung to the kitchen, "need help baby?" Jisung was mad, but sad, "no. I can do it myself." Minho was a bit taken back. "is something wrong Hannie?" Jisung sighed, "who is Chayoung?" Minho frowned, confused because he didn't know anyone named Chayoung. "i dont know hannie, why? Is she bothering you? I told you to ignore what people say in school-" "hyung! You should know who chayoung is if you have her phone number with hearts!" Jisung shouted, feeling his throat clogged about to cry. Minho was more confused. "Jisungie, what are you talking about?" Jisung rolled his eyes and got the paper out, throwing it at Minho. Minho picked up the paper and unfolded it, revealing what Jisung had described. Minho sighed now realizing where this came from. "Jisung, let me explain." Jisung scoffed, "you have 1 minute." Minho sighed, "I was walking to my class this afternoon when all of a sudden a girl pushes me and introduces herself. i guess she slipped this paper in my pocket, and I didn't know about it. I swear, I don't know her and I wouldn't do anything behind your back. I wouldn't hurt you Jisung. You're special to me." Jisung's gaze softened and decided to trust Minho, "okay hyung, sorry for overreacting." Minho smiled, "it's okay baby, I understand if you're upset about this, but i promise I would never cheat on you." Jisung got closer to Minho and got on his tippy-toes to kiss Minho on the lips. Minho was surprised, not expecting Jisung to be so lovey dovey after their first small argument. Jisung looked at his feet embarrassed at his actions. Minho grabbed Jisung's chin and pulled him in for another, more deep but gentle kiss. Jisung melted into the kiss, grabbing Minho's hair and pulling it. Minho made a noise of satisfaction and pulled away, embarrassed at what came out of his mouth. Now both Minho and Jisung were a blushing mess.

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