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The movie finished so Jisung and Minho decided to go to the mall to spend the rest of the afternoon together. Jisung was excited to spend time with Minho since he barely saw him at school. Minho was also happy to be with Jisung, but worries to be seen by Park Jinyoung. Minho has not told Jisung that he is not allowed to spend time with him, but Minho does not plan on never seeing Jisung again. Minho thinks about how selfish he is, risking getting Jisung in trouble all because he wants Jisung for himself. "Hyung, let's go!" Jisung shouted from the front door, Minho was just standing in the middle of the living room, "right" he replied and headed towards Jisung.

Jisung and Minho were on the bus to the mall, when Jisung got a call from Felix. "oof, i gotta take this hyung." Minho raised his eyebrow and watched as Jisung answered the call, "hello Felix! I'm sorry I didn't tell you I wasn't going to school today!" Jisung had a nervous smile on his face and he was scratching his head while listening to Felix, "oh i am sorry Felix.. i really forgot to reply to your messages. Oh nothing much.. Just hanging out. AAAHH yeah, i did not feel so great this morning. Oh no, you really don't have to do that.... no Felix, it's fine, i'm fine thanks, I have to go now!" Jisung turned to face Minho with an apologetic expression and he mumbled a 'sorry hyung' while he listened to Felix. "okay Felix thank you, you can come over tomorrow! bye now!" Jisung hung up and sighed. "what was that about?" Minho asked while staring at Jisung. Jisung sighed, "Felix was upset because I didn't show up to class today and we had to work with partners and he was stuck working with a creep that always stares at him during class." Minho smiled, "sounds like his own personal problem, you don't have to worry about that." Jisung faced Minho, "but hyung, he is my best friend. of course i have to worry about his problems! don't be so harsh!" Minho chuckled, "you're to precious my Jisungie." Jisung put both his hands on his cheeks and felt as he turned red.

After 15 minutes, the boys made it to their stop, got off the bus, and walked down the block to the mall entrance. They entered the mall through a shoe store. They walked around the store, looking around. Minho watched closely at Jisung's expressions. He wanted to notice when Jisung liked something to get it for him. Minho was having a hard time reading Jisung's expression, since he was always happy. Jisung looked at Minho and smiled, "hyung do like anything?" Minho smiled back, "im not really looking for anything. what about you?" "no, I want to go to a different store." Minho grabbed Jisung's hand and led him to the exit of that store and to another shop.

Jisung was looking around the mall and noticed a store he wanted to go to, "ooo hyung! can we go there!" Jisung pleaded while pointing at the shop. Minho smiled, "sure. let's go." Jisung skipped to the front of the shop and Minho followed behind smiling at how cute Jisung was. Minho turned his head as he noticed someone watching him. He squinted his eyes and saw two familiar faces, "what the hell? why today.." Minho mumbled. Minho made his way quickly to the shop where Jisung was waiting for him, "what took you so long hyung?" Minho looked around, "oh nothing.. well let's see what's in here!" Jisung's face lit up and he started looking around the shop. Minho watched as Jisung picked up some clothes, smiled, checked the price, and put it back down. Minho sighed, 'Jisung'. Minho noticed a few things Jisung really liked from his expressions and he picked them up to pay for them later. Jisung still didn't have anything he was going to buy. "hyung, can you help me. I dont know if I should get the white one or the black one." Minho stared at the two hoodies Jisung had, "um why not both? I think they will both look great on you." Jisung blushed, "but I can only take one today.. so white or black?" Minho pouted and grabbed the white hoodie, "I guess you can take the black one. Black is always good." Jisung smiled, "okay thanks hyung!" Minho smiled as he watched Jisung going to pay for his hoodie. Minho was looking around the store for a little gift to give Jisung. He saw these silver necklaces with little designs. He saw one with a tiny heart and decided to get it. Jisung came towards Minho after paying, "hyung are you buying anything?" Minho turned aruond and faced Jisung, "uh yeah.. just a few things. I will go pay now." Jisung smiled and started looking at the necklaces Minho was just looking at, "wow! this one is so cute! it's a little squirrel!" Minho froze and turned around, he saw Jisung holding the necklace and decided he would get that one instead. "um Jisung, can I have that please?" Jisung turned around confused, "This necklace? oh yeah sure here." Jisung gave Minho the necklace and watched as Minho went to the checkout area. Jisung looked outside through the shop windows and noticed two people he knew. His eyes grew big and his palms got sweaty. 'what should I do, what if he sees me? should I hide until they leave?'

"what are you looking at?" Minho asked, scaring Jisung. "hyung! you scared me! um can we go to the back of the store.. I want to see more things." Jisung grabbed Minho's hand and started walking to the back, close to the changing rooms. Minho was confused but followed Jisung. They made it to the back and Jisung was pretending to look at clothes, Minho thought Jisung was acting funny. "Is everything alright Jisung?" Minho asked. Jisung faced Minho, "yeah yeah.. um I am just looking. why, you want to leave? woah hyung, i didn't know you bought so much. I didn't even notice you looking for anything. what did you get?" Minho chuckled, "Jisung, do you want to go home? I feel like something is wrong." Jisung started laughing loudly, "WHAT NO WAY I AM FINE EVERYTHING IS PERFECTLY FINE!" Minho raised his eyebrow and watched as Jisung started looking for clothes again.

"HAN JISUNG!" Jisung froze when he heard the familiar voice and he turned around to face Felix and Changbin, "oh my god.. Felix, what are you doing here? I did not expect to see you here." Felix raised his eyebrow as he switched gaze from Jisung to Minho, "I didn't know you would be here either. why didn't you invite me huh?" Felix crossed his arms and tapped his right foot. Changbin was staring at how cute Felix was acting. "WhAAT i didn't invite you? im so sorry.. i just keep forgetting everything today. forgive me Felix" Jisung said while lightly bowing. Felix started laughing so loud, his laugh shocked everyone especially Jisung. "I'm just kidding Hannie!" Felix smiled while tightly hugging Jisung. Jisung smiled, "Oh, i thought you were mad at me." Minho stared at how close Felix and Jisung were, "okay well Jisung and I were heading home." Felix let go of Jisung, "but, we just met!" Changbin chuckled at the pouty Felix, "come on Felix, let's go to the video game shop." "Oh my god yesss! the video game shop! Sorry Jisung gotta go!" Jisung raised his eyebrow as he watched Felix and Changbin walking out of the shop and jisung frowned when he saw that they held hands. Jisung didn't frown because he wasn't okay with their closeness, but rather because he didn't know they had gotten close so fast. "So, time to go home?" Minho cut Jisung off of his thoughts. "oh yeah, let's go!"

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