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~Night Minho was to meet Jisung~

Minho smiled at Jisung's reply and shut his phone off. He changed into a black hoodie, put his shoes on, grabbed his phone and wallet, and headed outside to a nearby convenience store.

Minho was about to enter the store when a hand gripped on his right arm. Minho turns to face a familiar male. "we need to go, now." The male dragged Minho to his car which was parked down the street. When they got to the car, Minho recognized two people waiting beside the car. "Changbin, Chan. Why are you guys here. I would expect the both of you to be at Park Jinyoung's right now." Minho asked. Chan opened the car door and motioned for Minho to get in, "we were sent to bring you." Minho rolled his eyes and got in the car and Changbin followed behind.

"I fail to understand why three people have to pick me up, its not like i have ever missed a reunion before. Wouldn't Woojin hyung be enough?" Minho asked. Changbin turned to Minho, "I don't get it either, Park Jinyoung just likes to annoy people."

The drive was quiet, so Minho rested his head on the window and slowly fell asleep forgetting to text Jisung about the situation and how he would not make it to his house.

"wake up." Changbin tapped Minho's arm, trying to wake him up. Minho scrunched his nose and woke up, rubbing his eyes. "remember, do what the master tells you and you should be fine" Woojin spoke. The boys nodded and got off the car, walking towards the entrance of a well known mansion.

Minho hates this place, infact, everyone who is called down here hates it. Park Jinyoung calls a yearly reunion with everyone and if someone does not show up, everyone gets punished. Nobody has ever missed a reunion because everyone knows how cruel park Jinyoung is and it would be unfair for everyone to be punished for one person.

The boys stood at the front door and rang the door bell. A few seconds later, a boy with black hair and braces opened the door with a smile. "hey hyungs! long time no see! Come in." The boy stepped aside, making space for the boys to enter. "how are you Jeongin?" Minho asked while patting Jeongin's hair. "im good hyung, but i really dont want to be here. I just want to go home." Minho chuckled, "well that makes two of us."

Minho was in the dining room along with 6 other guys, they were waiting for Park Jinyoung to show up and start his yearly speech. He has made it a tradition for everyone to gather up and speak about their flaws throughout the year. It makes everyone mad, but nobody has dared disobeyed against the man's words. Not only has he beaten up the boys to a state where they cannot walk for a couple of days, but he has also killed people who find out about the secret.


Last year, a 19 year old girl saw woojin in his bear form and she would have gotten away from being caught, but Park Jinyoung had his men watching Woojin. When the girl backed away and tripped from being scared of seeing Woojin as a bear, two men ran up to her and punched her hard enough to be unconscious for the rest of the day. The next day she woke up at an unfamiliar house. Park Jinyoung was informed as soon as she woke up. minutes later the girl was met by an evil looking park jinyoung, She screamed of fear and tried running away from the room, but there were guards blocking the door. "what did you see yesterday?" Park Jinyoung asked with an angry tone. The girl started crying and knelt infront of Park Jinyoung, "please sir, i didnt see anything. I was just terrified of the woods and was turning around to go home. I swear, i will not tell anyone anything if you let me go!" she pleaded. Park Jinyoung laughed at the girl's reaction. after a while of hearing the girl crying, Park Jinyoung got annoyed so he grabbed the girl's head and neck, and with one quick motion, he snapped the girl's neck. "annoying" he whispered and started walking out of the room, "dispose of the body, nobody must find out. After that, bring Woojin to me, he needs to be taught a lesson."

Everyone was informed of the situation, and it made everyone worry more about the safety of the people who they around with. The boys have always been distant from everyone at school, too afraid to be judged for being an animal. Park Jinyoung brainwashed the boys to believe that the world looks down on them, disgusted that they are animals on the inside. The boys grew up without friends, all they had was each other, so they grew a bond. Thats all Park Jinyoung wanted, to keep the boys for himself and he thought that if everyone got along, everyone would stay with him and never leave. Park Jinyoung does not want the public to know or be reminded of his huge failure.

[end of flashback]

Park Jinyoung walked inside the dining room and everyone stood up to greet him. "sit pets, we have much to discuss. and i think it would be most reasonable to start of with Han Jisung."

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