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Minho and Jisung were on their way to the bus stop to go home when Minho saw an ice-cream shop. "Hannie, do you want some Ice-cream?" Jisung's face lit up and starting singing, "I scream you scream, gimme that, gimme that ice cream!" Jisung grabbed Minho's hand and started running to the ice-cream shop. Minho was having a hard time keeping up with Jisung and his cute actions, it's too much for Minho to handle. "woah, okay Jisung! slow down before we both fall." Jisung came to a quick stop and Minho almost crashed on him, "sorry hyung, I was too excited." Minho smiled, "you don't have to apologize for being so cute sweety." Jisung blushed a bright red, he was too flustered to stare at Minho so he quickly turned around and opened the door to the shop.

Jisung was staring at all the ice-cream flavors in the fridge, "woah, hyung they have all my favorite ice-cream. I dont know what to pick!" Minho smiled, "why don't you pick your favorite 3?" Jisung started clapping with excitement, "really? you're the best hyung ever!" People in the shop stared at Jisung and some thought he was so cute. The server came towards Jisung and asked with a smile, "what would like today?" Jisung pointed at the icecream he wanted, "i want one scoop of strawberry, one chocolate, and the special ice-cream you have please!" The ice-cream server chuckled, "sure! and for you?" Minho asked for a choco-mint ice-cream.

The two boys were walking to the bus stop while eating their ice-cream. "Thank you hyung! It's so tasty!" Minho smiled and stared at how cute Jisung looked enjoying his ice-cream. Jisung noticed Minho staring and he started blushing and pouted, "hyuuunngg why are you staring at me?" Minho chuckled at the cute reaction, "I'm just admiring your pretty face Hannie, but if you don't like it then I will stop." Jisung's blush was now really red and noticeable so he started thinking of what to say or do to distract Minho from noticing. "Oh hyung, you have alot of shopping bags, let me help you." Minho loved ho thoughtful Jisung was, "no, it's okay Jisungie The bus is here anyways." Jisung pouted but started getting inside the bus and gave the bus driver the bus tickets. Minho followed behind and walked to back where Jisung had chosen the seats.

The bus drive was quiet with the two boys eating their ice-cream. Jisung put his hands together into a fist and closed his eyes with a smile while he swung his legs forward in excitement, "so yummy, thanks for the ice-cream hyung!" Minho's heart felt so warm at seeing how cute and happy Jisung looked. Minho reached to ruffle Jisung's hair, "you're so cute my little Jisungie" Jisung blushed and enjoyed the soft touch from his hyung.

They finally arrived back to Jisung's house and were now in the living room. Jisung was excited to see what Minho had bought since he didn't see him choose anything while shopping. "okay hyung! let's see what you got!" Minho smiled and grabbed one of the bags. He took out a two turtle-necks, a black one and a red one with stripes. Jisung looked at the shirts and his mouth opened wide, "woah so nice!" Minho chuckled and continued showing more clothes to Jisung. He took out three caps which he had seen jisung try on and they looked perfect on him. Jisung went closer to Minho and grabbed one of the caps and put it on, "hyung this one is my favorite. You chose some really nice things." Minho was internally dying, he loved Jisung's clueless self. "um, I also got these glasses and oh the cute squirrel necklace. Do you like it Hannie?" Jisung smiled, "of course hyung, these are so cute and oh the squirrel necklace!" Minho turned Jisung around and placed the necklace around Jisung's neck. Jisung was confused of the sudden action but realized what wasgoing on and he started blushing. Minho clipped the necklace on and turned Jisung around to face him again. Minho noticed the pink shade on jisung's face and he lifted his hand to caress his cheeks, "so cute my little Hannie. I actually got everything for you. These are presents for you." Jisung was confused because it wasnt even close to Christmas or his birthday, but he felt so happy to receive gifts from his hyung. Jisung pouted, "but hyuunng, i didn't buy you anything." Minho smiled and ruffled Jisung's hair, "My precious Jisungie." Jisung started jumping excited to have many gifts and he got closer to Minho and wrapped him tightly in a hug. Jisung then noticed he was holding Minho in his cat form, "not again, im so stupid!" the cat purred and got closer to Jisung's chest, Jisung smiled and started petting the cat.

This story sucks, why are you reading it? Lol

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