Chapter 2: Unbidden Rivalry

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Concourses of elves blocked the entryway, impatiently standing in line for the purchase of their tickets to enter.  Mikash stomped restlessly as he tiptoed and looked over the many heads to the front gates, knowing Sinot had been here already for quite some time, enjoying himself without him. 

            Enon was now high in the furnace-like skies, baking the ground below to a crisp golden brown.  This day was exactly as he had feared:  thick air with relentless humidity and absolutely no breeze to cool off the drenching transudation.  He ran the back of his wrist, annoyed, across his forehead with futile attempt of relieving.  He could feel it run down his bare back as his fair skin glistened with sweat.  Mikash tossed his long hair over his shoulder hoping that his back would get some air from the suffocating heat.  He had decided against a tunic, knowing just how hot the weather would get.  He had thought that wearing white flared pants would help ward off the Enon’s radiation and keep him cool.  As for the red sash that dangled to his knees from around his waist, well, it was supposed to help Sinot spot him easier. 

            Mikash growled as he tiptoed again and glanced behind him into the sea of faces.  No Sinot.  He began panting for a cold drink as the furious Enon drained everyone's enthusiasm and vigor.  That was when he decided to give up the search for him.  Sinot would just have too look for him instead.  He trudged wearily away from the intoxication of the throng until he reached a huge willow tree with life-giving shade planted ingeniously near a wide, gurgling creek.  He carefully sat upon the soft grass and leaned against the rough and scratchy bark that only itched his sweaty back.  Then a small breeze picked up within the hard humidity of the climate, offering no gratification from the searing heat. 

            Mikash sighed with resignation.  “I give up!”  He just abhorred hot weather.

            The brook bubbled happily down the gentle slope of the hill, rushing as if it was late for a meeting, which only whetted the back of his throat into a painful thrust of thirst.  His dark eyebrows lowered, as if to diminish the harsh glare from blinding his sensitive eyes.  If only he had better prepared himself for a long day such as this, he would not have minded so much!  He slouched lower as he shoved sturdy arms over his chest where his sable mane lay.  Bugs buzzed loudly, as if in conspiracy with the chorus of an annoyingly too hot day.  They occasionally crashed and stuck helplessly against his scorching damp skin.          Mikash shook his head angrily.  “Of all days, the fair had to be today!”  Then a sharp clear whistle cut through the heavy atmosphere of muttering voices and the all too gaudy Enon.  Mikash jerked his head up quickly, opening his eyes forgetting about the blinding Enon.  He could feel the long, soft tendrils of the willow brush lightly upon his head.  He squinted with a hand forming a visor above his eyes.

            Sinot waved frantically from behind the walled-in grounds.

            Mikash nodded disgustedly with a sneer that played upon his lips. “Go away--too hot,” he mumbled unhappily to himself.  The exhausted elf reluctantly extended an aching body and leaned against the strong trunk of the willow.  His head suddenly felt light and dizzy as everything washed into an unpleasant darkness.  He cradled his throbbing head in his hands as he moaned.  It was definitely too hot!

            Once upon arriving at the wall where Sinot was greeting him, Mikash placed his weight on the balls of his feet, peering around to see if anyone noticed them. 

            Sinot grinned broadly. “C’mon, no one is watching!” 

            After confirming the fact, Mikash vaulted gracefully over the barrier, landing lightly on the other side. 

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