Chapter 10: Mutiny of a Different Kind

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It was a bright and early morning when someone at the door banged rudely against it.  Mikash, still enveloped in his sleep, barely awoke light-headedly within the coziness of his room.  The leather shade at his shattered window had been shredded by the monster--and he had forgotten to repair it before anyone would set eyes on it!  The frays were softly fluttering about by the cool breeze’s loving arms.

            Pentulla stirred as she snuggled closer to him, curling tightly into a ball at his side.  Her soft silver hair draped over his thighs.  She had resolved to allow him o share the bed for fear of the demon’s return.  She was so beautiful, lost in a slumbering bliss of peace.  At that moment, he longed to enter her dream.  He leaned across her as he placed a soft kiss on her lips and loved the way she tasted.  He smiled lovingly as his gaze admired her.

            Mikash carefully slipped out of the bed, trying not to stir more than necessary as to wake her from her sleep.  His long black hair tumbled absently over his eyes.  He swung it back with a toss of his head.

            The wood elf cautiously opened the door.  The first one to fill his vision was that of Sinot--who seemed on the edge of a scornful beginning for so early in the day.  He had an indignant mien sprawled across his face and rigid body.      “Sinot?  What are you doing here?”  Mikash suddenly noticed a small band of irate men stomping impatiently behind him, all glaring at Mikash as if he had done something terribly wrong. 

            Sinot sneered as his violet eyes pierced Mikash’s gray ones. 

            And so it begins...  Mikash mumbled in his mind.  But he had decided that he would not allow Sinot to elude his happiness.  Not anymore.  Mikash then shook his head, as if the pitiful thoughts would disburse as easily. 

            One of elves in the crowd cleared his throat, prompting Sinot to speak--whose violet eyes flashed, now trying to peer over Mikash’s shoulder.  Mikash sensed him searching for Pentulla through the gap behind him so he wedged his body into the tight squeeze between the door  and the jamb.

            This greatly displeased his contender as he scowled evilly at Mikash.  “We know you are responsible for what had happened last night--reason for our sojourn.”  Sinot finally spoke, jerking his head toward the mob behind him as he stepped back to eye Mikash’s little cottage suspiciously.

            Mikash narrowed his eyes.  So, it has come down to this?!  Sinot was more treacherous than he had ever thought him capable of!  A mocking grin that had spread across Sinot’s face flared an angry heat within Mikash’s trembling body.

            Sinot, once seeing the cold iciness within Mikash’s gray eyes, dramatically slammed an open hand against Mikash’s chest and pretended to be shocked with widened eyes.  “Don’t look at me, I didn’t tell them anything.”

            An outraged farmer boomed out, “Whatever it was, it had got most of my flock!”  And yet another, “My entire field of crops had been destroyed by fire nonetheless!”  And another, “My little ones are now afraid to go to sleep at night!” “What was that horrible noise last night?  My dogs refuse to lay quiet now!”

            “There is word in Tikony of a strange maiden of silvery hair and her very movement is that of a sorceress, is this true?” a concerned citizen spoke, his brows raised with question.

            Mikash swallowed inaudibly, his thoughts and body holding still.  “Yes,” he spoke cautiously, “It is true that a maiden of silvery hair dwells in my home.  She is soon to be my companion and holds no capabilities of conjuring the likes of what we experienced last night.  She is of good nature and loathes the dark arts as I,” he stared daggers at Mikash who seemed rather too arrogant for his own liking.

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