Chapter 23: Imperial Procession

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            Crow had fully expected a long and continuous fall as was his last episode, but, to his consternation nonetheless, the landing was still just as tragic.  Though the drop was so much shorter, the Turon had fully braced himself for a long fall.  However, when he made contact with the ground and so suddenly, his body was thrown into shock and he had crumpled with the exertion anyhow.

            Crow cried out as shooting pain pierced his side where he had alighted.  He gasped as he moved, finding his hand oddly angled away from his wrist.  Crow lay there writhing, not heeding the hurly-burly that enclosed his surroundings.

            Strange noises began to filter into his ringing ears that had suddenly became conscious of goblins crawling everywhere about.  Luckily Crow had fallen behind a bend, leaving the goblins blissfully unaware of his presence!  In spite of the many small torches that lit their underworld, it was still considerably dim.  Many pairs of eyes glowed with a wicked glare as Crow could hear and smell them alike.

            Crow gagged upon the putrid smell that curled its way to his revolting nose.  The skulker forced himself to ignore the stench and now strained to listen to their blathering conversations as they loitered around nearby.  Others scurried on by as if they had somewhere urgent to go.

            “We better hurry!” one yelled aloud, “or we shall be late!”

            Crow curiously peered from around the corner and spied a short, fat goblin.  It fled the chamber quickly as four others followed with silent vigor.           After making sure he was alone, Crow painstakingly stood upon trembling limbs and faltered clumsily after them.  The blood from his side slowly trickled down as it unwittingly left a small dotted path behind him, which he was deliriously unaware of.

            What could be so important for them to be late to?  Did it have anything to do with the goblin emperor finding an empress?  An emperor finding an empress...  Crow arched a brow of curiosity, determined to not heed the throbbing pain that coursed throughout his body from his injured side and wrist that he had wrapped several times with the remains of his cloak.

            What an event he was about to experience!  Crow was exhilarated with excitement!  He was about to witness a ceremony that no outsider had ever seen before!  He smiled as a flash of blackness threatened to wash over him.  He shook his head from side to side with vigor as if he could rid of its threatening darkness.

            Once his head cleared and the dizziness passed, Crow slipped to the edge of the bend that had sheltered him from the scurrying hobs.  He cautiously peeked around its protective barrier and gasped in awe at the crude beauty that his eyes beheld.

            There, spilling into a wide and immense chamber before him, sat thousands and thousands of goblins beneath a grand chandelier of splendor.  They squirmed with restlessness as they awaited the assembly’s commencement.  The clamor that floated from the goblins strongly reminded Crow of screeching animals being led to slaughter.  He grimaced, the sound smarting his keen ears.

            His eyes then raised to the chandelier that loomed ominously above the heads of the horde, centered strategically within the dome’s peak.  It was massive along with countless thick and rudimentary candles that danced with long flames of gold.  The chamber was dimly lit by a magnificent candelabrum of odd looking candles set everywhere within. 

            Then he noticed a narrow red carpet slicing through the mass that led straight up to a small dais at the dead center.  There, a striking throne bloomed before Crow’s eyes.  It was situated at the very center against the cavern wall.  It had amazing workmanship!  The imperial throne was of pure gold flanked by ferocious dragons of bronze.  Their long necks intertwined above the backrest with mouths meeting in snarls.  Above their grotesque heads mounted a huge glowing crystal ball.  The wings of the magnificent statues spread wide open to the fullest span, completely coating the entire length and width of the expansive wall.  Crow allowed a low whistle escape his lips.  So sophisticated!  So magnificent!  It would be difficult to convince anyone what he had just seen!  The observing Turon nodded with approval.

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