Chapter 16: Another Time, Another Place

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            “Catch!” Crow happily boomed out.

            A large piece of bone slashed through the balmy air as a large wolf bounded after it, catching it expertly in its strong jaws.  It cantered back to Crow and whined excitedly.

            “Good boy, Rawl!”  Crow patted him roughly between his shoulders.  “Now go ahead and eat your dinner.”  He chuckled as he plopped down lazily beside the huge, white ravenous wolf.

            Crow was one of the most respected of the Turon in the wealthy city of SunGold.  He would depart of his riches with no second thoughts, assisting unfortunate villages that distanced themselves away from his own.  He had helped the widows and families who had lost their loved ones in the tragic Sychra Cataclysm.  He had used his brilliant mind as an architect to set SunGold Domain apart from the rest of the land, their homes being well ensconced high within the vast trunks of the giant milkwood forests.

            He was an extremely skilled warrior, priding himself in the art of archery as

well as sword play.  He was also very agile with the dagger and sling.  He had once studied magic as well, but had decided that he would not muddle with its realm, for it usually brought upon the user bad repercussions; the Turon had also felt that it was not for him, but for cowards who feared to defend themselves by hand.

            He was an excellent hunter as well.  Crow could track a gork at night--which had often proved difficult, for their burrowing habits would keep them from being spotted during the nocturnal course.  Thus, cowering until daylight would fall. 

            The multi-talented Crow had conquered the most dreaded beast of all that had often looted SunGold for several centuries.  The Magune dragon.  Its habitat had been up in the western called DragonBones Mountain.

            Because of his dangerous comeliness as well as high status, he was often sought by maidens that were often turned away, for he felt his heart at a loss for his loved one.  His hair was pitch black, thick and wavy.  The wind would pride itself in the way it often carried his dark mane.  His complexion was smooth and coppery due to his numerous outdoor labors.

            He laid back on the soft grass and stretched.  A boisterous and lazy yawn escaped his lips as he watched the puffs of soft white clouds drowsily swim by.  Little red birds chased each other in the cool air way above in the brightness of the blue heavens.  Enon was still bright and hung high, but its heat bounced off the protecting coolness of the clouds.

            “Crow!” a sweet voice chimed prettily.  Someone pranced softly to him and stooped down by his side.  “Hello there, Rawl.  How are we today--Crow treating you right?”  A petite sprite held out a thin scrawny, pallid arm to pat the wolf’s great white withers.

            Rawl growled with acute impatience at her unwanted intrusion.

            “Careful, there, Spring Brook.”  Crow rolled to a sitting position with one easy motion as he smiled easily at the sprite.

            “Oh, Crow!” she exasperated with fluttering lashes.  “Today is such a beautiful day!”  Her thin pink lips beamed--revealing rows of glimmering white teeth.  Her eyes were bright and alert; as radiant as the morning sky.  They were large with long, curled lashes that framed blue ponds like delicate cattails.  She was pale, like she had dwelled in the caves her entire life, but with a light blush to her small face.  Spring Brook’s hair was a very pale golden yellow, which was short at the nape, but flowed easily before her dazzling eyes.

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