Chapter 26: Cryptic Fate

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            Pentulla’s anger was hardly contained as she strode away quickly, Sinot’s obscure comment about not being alone nearly forgotten.  She was almost beyond the dungeon’s barriers when she heard a sound that did not belong to that of her sentry nor that of Sinot.  It was a frail voice calling out for assistance.  She sharpened her ears as she slowed her pace, now facing where she had just stormed from.


            It was at that very moment in time when, for the first time, she realized the anxiety of the guards.

            “We should be returning now, your Majesty.”  The other goblin nodded vigorously as they tried to herd her away from the dungeons.

            “No, wait, I thought I heard something.”  She did not budge from their prodding as she sharpened her hearing even further.

            “…please…need water…”

            “Yes!” she jumped, “I did hear it!  And that did not come from that arrogant--” she shoved herself rudely between the fumbling guards and pressed onward toward the mysterious sounds.

            “But your majesty--!” the goblins pleaded, their gazes worrying into each other.

            “Not now!” she commanded authoritatively, her eyes blazing angrily as she snapped her face toward the scrabbling pair.

            They froze in their paths, knowing that they had lost the struggle to keep the empress from discovering what the emperor had so avidly wished to keep from her.  Fear raised their skins as they began to tremble.  The emperor would be so displeased.

            “There is naught to worry, I will not divulge my entrance upon this poor creature if you two swear upon keeping mine a secret as well,” Pentulla held a brilliant smile upon her pristine face as she gazed into their eyes with understanding.

            The guards relaxed a bit, feeling reassured.  But the emperor had his ways…

            “He will not find out, rest assured.  I am very good at tale spinning.”  Pentulla then turned around and picked up the thread of curiosity as it led her farther past the oubliette of Sinot’s.

            The passageway suddenly steepened beneath her feet, her hand stretching out for balance against the slick wall.  Pentulla then paused in her path, perking her ears for any further sounds of the poor creature.  She waited several moments until she heard a faint cough very close by.  It was so close that she gave a little start.

            Her attention was drawn to her right, into an extremely darkened cavern that was small enough for a goblin child to crawl into.  With a grimace, she hesitated at the entrance, sending a glimpse of uncertainty to the pair of goblins that stood behind her in a protective manner.

            Their faces were scowling at her curiosity, but one extended his arm holding a flaming torch for her to carry with her so that it could light her darkened way.

            “I-I thank you,” her smile was weak, but genuine as she lowered herself to her knees.

            The smell therein assailed her tender sense of smell, but she held her breath anyway as she slowly crawled through the small space with the torch before her.  Its warmth pressed against her face, practically blinding the way before her.

            “Who’s there?” a weak voice called out from deep within the unknown darkness that loomed threateningly ahead of her.

            Pentulla froze in her spot, unable to move any further.  Perhaps the emperor had been protecting her from this demented soul?  After all, she knew nothing of this individual that the emperor had tried so hard to keep covert.            “Please, I thirst…water…” the voice curled its way over to Pentulla hoarsely as it touched her heart.  Perhaps she was overreacting to such ridiculous notions that could only exist within the confines of her own mind?          A soft rattle of chain then snared her ears’ attention, which propelled her with a greater urgency to see to his comfort.

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