Chapter 46: Nostalgic Divination

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            Pentulla found herself wondering the dark freshness of the ancient forest.  She followed the length of a nearby tree with an appreciative glance, noting the black trunk’s extreme width that was covered with deep emerald moss, soft and velvety, speckled with clinging morning dew.  Sharp lances of golden light pierced through the softly whispering leaves overhead and contentment filled her bosom.

            She felt joy and wholeness filling her like an urn receiving refreshing waters.  The maiden primly picked her way between foliage clustered with lavender blooms whose aroma permeated the air with their pungent scents.  She smiled as she leaned into a large mass and inhaled deeply.

            A familiar sensation gently washed over her skin and a smile crept across her serene face.  “Hello?” her voice was rich with elation, an emotion that had been too long experienced.  A lilt impressed itself in her gait as she quickened it, excited to find who it was that hid from her.

            “I can feel you!” laughter escaped as she sprang into a playful sprint.          Blinding pools of daylight dappled the ground below reflecting harshly against the mirroring surface of Pentulla’s hair, which cast an array of dancing sparkles of rainbows about.  Sensing the known presence close by, she slowed her pace to a comfortable stroll, soaking in the warmth of the Enon’s radiance.

            “Where are you?”  Pentulla could still hardly believe the innocence in her voice and the light airy feeling of bliss that flowed freely through her.  It was something that she herself had once experienced and she now questioned the fact if everything horrific she had been forced to endure had actually been real.

            A silhouette shifted behind a soft fern-like bush, which sent Pentulla’s insides a flutter.  “I can see you, come over here!”

            A melodious sound floated over to her as it pranced lightly around.  Her heart began to pound with delighted anticipation as she instantly recognized its refrain of the flute.

            With a burst of unrestrained laughter, Pentulla lifted the corners of her billowing gown and frolicked between the brush.  Once coming to the desired location, she cautiously push through large fuzzy leaves.  Her heart came to an abrupt halt as a beautiful visage sat there upon a large boulder, erect and specter-like in a brilliant pool of golden glow.

            She paused and dared not to close her eyes against the mirage.  He was exactly as she remembered.  His face was calm and almost seductive as he softly blew into his split flute.  His eyes were closed with the lengthy fans of curling black lashes beneath strong slanting brows at a severe angle over a narrow and regal nose.  His lips were round like a deeply blushing rosebud enclosing the mouthpiece.  His face was seemingly sculpted from sandstone as a soft gale lifted his gloriously long black hair.

            Pentulla smiled, feeling her spirits rising and skipping along with the miniature denizens of the air.  He was perfect--a demigod awaiting her arrival!  What a sight he was!  Seeing him instantly erased the pain of loneliness and the deep dark emptiness of despair.  It was as if he had never left her.

            Then a horrible awareness invaded her.  What if she was only dreaming?  Could this truly be happening?  With timid steps and fumbling fingers of cold sweat, Pentulla cautiously approached the surreal visage of the one she had so longed for.

            “Are you real?” Pentulla queried as her body began to tremble.  She dared not to blink one whit, else he should vanish within the very air she breathed.

            Mikash lowered the flute as his lips widened into a heart-stopping smile, his eyes unclouded and clear as the sparkling of untainted moonstones.  He reached his arms out to her.

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