Chapter 4: The Journey Alone

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The fresh scent of rain tickled his nose as his eyes fluttered open.  It was yet dark as the night crickets serenaded in soft echoes outside his window.  Mikash stretched his cramped body with a loud yawn.  Images still swirled in his mind from his last dream--just what was he dreaming of? 

            Mikash flopped over onto his abdomen and sighed heavily once placing his chin on his fist, trying hard to recollect.  It had something to deal with his father’s current whereabouts and coming full circle.  Whatever that meant.  He believed in dreams.  And the impression that this last one left was quite disturbing.  Was it a message of some sort?  Should he really go and see his father again on the morrow?  He shuddered at the thought of stepping foot on the cursed grounds.  His life would come full circle. . .  In what way?  And how? He woke up extra early just before Enon bit into the skies.  Actually, he never was quite able to get back to sleep.  He had tossed and turned the remainder of the night with his thoughts saturated with the dream’s hidden meaning.  In spite of it all, he still felt very much rejuvenated.

            Mikash jumped out of bed and got cleaned up quickly after washing down breakfast with the nectar he had collected a day ago.  He surveyed his still tidy home before getting dressed for the almost dreaded trip. 

            He would have to disturb Sinot from his drunken sleep and drag him along.  Mikash smirked at the thought of him.  Then he felt a very strong urge to go alone.  Alone?!  He froze in his tracks as his eyes dropped with distaste.  But why alone?  It had been frightful enough each time going with someone else, but alone?

            He shuddered as he shook his head.  His imagination was running too wild this morning.  Perhaps he was delirious from lack of sleep?  Perhaps, because of his current condition, he should just stay home and forget about it?

            Mikash slowed his pace down to almost nothing as he meditated his dilemma.  Why was it so important for him to visit his father today and alone?  Hadn’t he already paid his respects yesterday?

            Then something, like an overwhelming presence, crept up behind him.  It urged him to remain resolute upon going.  “Okay, okay.  I’ll go, but not alone!” As he marched over to Sinot’s home the feeling returned stronger.  It felt as if he should, at all cost, avoid him this very day.  But why?  What did it all mean?  You’ll find out soon enough. 

            Mikash turned over his shoulder and saw no one.  He could have sworn he heard a voice!  It was neither male nor female.  Well, it was like a whisper, actually.  Or maybe just his sanity slipping!

            He forced himself to notice the dreary weather and was grateful for thinking about it instead.  The morning was cold and damp from the light rain shower, which was quite stubborn still.  Dark thick blankets of clouds rumbled in the distance as the whispering breeze turned into a wailing wind.  A heavy fog covered the black forests around him and swirled like milk at his feet.              Mikash wore his heavy hooded cape that hung to his ankles.  The cold wet grass chilled his bones as he trudged grimly through it.  His raven hair danced to his shoulders and over his eyes before he pulled the hood over his eyes.  He huddled underneath for any warmth that could be found.  The amulet began to glow, its warmth invigorating his blood to life, but Mikash did not notice it.

            Then he instantaneously marveled why he was prompted to visit his father.  It was an outrageous idea!  The weather, first off, was not suitable for any expedition!  Second off, he had already visited him only yesterday!  And thirdly, he was alone! He never went up there alone!  Never! 

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