Chapter 3: Test of Honor

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            The treacherous hike alone made Sinot hot and sweaty, and not to mention, exhausted!  “You shouldn’t have cleaned up.  They wouldn’t be able to tell the difference now.”  He huffed and puffed as his lungs burned from too much exertion. 

            They climbed the steep narrow path up the mountainside that lead to Fairy Square.  He cast a weary eye quickly to Mikash, whose body refused to  break a sweat.  “Right, we are in your territory; climbing rocks!” Sinot mumbled to himself almost sarcastically.

            He found it quit annoying, with all the clothes Mikash constantly wore, hardly showed signs of heat-sick!  With his black tunic and black leggings and black hair to his waist, the gods knew Sinot would have already melted!                       

            Sinot, on the other hand, hardly wore any clothes!  It was the only way to survive!  Especially with the kind of weather that the summer had to offer.  He wore his favorite breechclouts that were made from the leather of the wild stag that so freely roamed DragonBones Mountain.  And sandals that laced up to his knees were a must--unlike the usual thick and heavy leather boots Mikash wore!

            Voices and laughter began to filter through the cool nocturnal air.  Mikash’s heart began to race from the excitement that rushed within his veins. Visiting Fairy Square always made him restless and for some unknown reason.  He could hear music thumping loudly within his ears.

            Sinot swiped the moisture off his forehead with the back of his wrist and flashed a handsome smile as he straightened.  “Now, Mikash--” he lowered his voice to a hoarse whisper, “--don’t run away this time, okay?  Syrah has plans for you!”

            “What?  She doesn’t know me,” Mikash answered as casually as possible.  Somehow, it had automatically unnerved him.

            “You don’t understand!  This is one way that she will!” Sinot laughed almost wickedly.

            Mikash knitted his brows in bewilderment.  “Okay...” He sighed, knowing Sinot was in on it as well.  He would have to keep an eye out and see what his friend had schemed up this time.

            The huge dark room was crowded with its usual sorts of folk; tree elves, wood elves, nymphs, fairies, sprites, dwarves and others.  That was when Sinot pointed to a disc that hovered well over everyone’s heads.  Mikash squinted through the smog and thought he saw someone dancing upon it.  Then a cool draft of wind blew the smog away and showed a clear and sharp image of a maid dancing provocatively.  Was she really naked?  Mikash squeezed his eyes shut before squinting again at her.  Then he gasped.  She was!  Mikash blushed and turned away.  He had never seen that before and he had visited this place several times! 

            “Awesome, isn’t she?” Sinot breathed in wonderment. 

            Mikash forced his shocked eyes to focus upon the red fireflies that bounced around inside huge glass vats that guarded the tops of the refreshment tables.

            Many eyes watched the two comely wood elves with curiosity.  Mikash shifted nervously in his boots and swept his gaze across the many faces that gawked at them.  “Where are they?” he asked anxiously, ignoring them.

            The music seemed to pulse louder and louder as it caught his darting gaze.  The band stood on a small platform at the very end of the foggy room.  Torches burned all around the stage, fitted with beautiful multi-colored globes that encircled each flame. 

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