Chapter 24: An Empress for the Emperor

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            She hung her head low, allowing her tresses of silver to spill over her bare shoulders.  She reveled in the privacy that it allowed her by curtaining herself from everything that surrounded her.  The chamber, as she entered, was piercing by the rambunctious goblins.  A sudden splitting silence then greeted her, causing a startled Pentulla to raise her head with a quick jerk.  She was not aware of the fact that her face was tear-stained.

            “Golza sinata loofa camin,” the Goblin Emperor calmly spoke through unmoving lips to his affianced.

            She sobbed and replied, “I will not speak your language.”  She sniffed quietly and dared to venture a glance at the emperor, who sat erect in his throne to her left.  He turned his head gracefully and eyed her with a cool indifference.    The goblin audience strained with all their might to eavesdrop upon their conversation, but when they could not hear their low tones, they continued their lively conversations concerning the upcoming event that would change their world forever.

            The emperor narrowed his eyes in disgust, parting his thin lips and hissed, “You have been administering me difficulty ever since I loosed you from the oubliette!  It is a dept that should be repaid with gentle submission.”

            The nymph severed the piercing glare he had upon her by turning her face away towards the goblin throng.  She softly cleared her throat and attempted to swallow against the new tears that were tightening her throat.  These were tears for Mikash, for the only gentle submission that she would have ever allowed would be for the love that had been so brutally torn from her embrace.  “Thank you for your kind charity,” her voice shook with cynicism as she forced back a rising sob.

            The emperor jerked his head sharply to the audience.  His hair swung in the damp air and settled on the back of his golden throne.  He fumed, but would not allow it to hamper his spirits.  “We shall discuss this another time, my empress.”

            The Goblin Emperor gathered his cape and stood quickly, stamping his scepter upon the cavern floor twice with an ominous echo.  His body was erect as he held his head high with gracious royalty.  The regal movement caused by the emperor drew everyone’s attention to an immediate stand-still.  The anxious goblins hushed and straightened within their seats.  The only thing to be heard was an occasional groan or croak that broke the thick silence while their collective breaths floated in hisses.

            “Groza sinata imphelega, Pentulla.  Estic donicanita refinte...” the Gagdo Highness spoke in a deep vibrating voice that captivated every hobs’ attention.

            The chamber was still dim with the many rows of glowing eyes that scorched through the fair empress’ gentle heart.  She forced herself to restrain a shiver as she straightened her back instead.  The nymph’s tear-swollen eyes dared to peer at the gawking audience.  They watched her with enraptured intent, as only a handful looked upon their emperor’s presence.

            Pentulla comprehended with perfection every word which spilled forth from Crichtenzor’s lips.  For that matter, she had grown extremely disgusted with crudeness of the language.  The nymph had absolutely refused to speak it even to this very day.  Quickly losing interest in his speech, she allowed her mind to wander as the emperor’s deep rich voice engulfed the cavernous chamber.

            Yes, she could still plainly recall the day when the emperor had come to ransom her.  At first, she had found him very intriguing and quite attractive.  He was regally graceful and treated her with a great respect that she had never expected, it had even made her gawk with awe!

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