Chapter 32: Narrow Escape

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            Pentulla could hear her own screaming mocking her while some strange creature of strength swiftly spirited her away through the cavernous corridor.  Confusion reigned over her terrified mind, but she had found herself too weak to resist her assailant.  Her blood curdled coldly from the horrific goblin screeches of outrage that ripped chillingly from every facet possible around her.

            “Quick!” a hoarse yet strained whisper commanded once they were hidden from sight around a sharp corner.  “Place her here!  Hurry!”

            Pentulla felt sudden warmth enveloping her as she felt the strong, sinewy arms releasing her upon something broad and furry.  “What, what is going on?” she tried to query, but her voice was strained with overwhelming fear.           

“Hang tight!” the harsh whisper ordered as it moved around in the darkness of the goblin realm.

            “Yes.”  Pentulla trembled like a small child lost as she brought her knees up to her chin, holding tightly to a pair of leathery reigns that had been brutally shoved into her fists.  All she knew was that she as no longer submerged within the hurly-burly existence of goblin life.  Perhaps this was Crow’s rescue squad that he had once spoken of?  She was much too weary to focus upon the calamitous goings-on, she decided.  “Yes, I shall hold on with all of my might…”          “’Tis okay, lass,” floated a peculiar, flat voice from a creature somewhere within the obscurity, “ye are in Crow’s charge now.”

            “Now!” the same forceful whisper was heard again.  This time, Pentulla recognized it as Crow’s.  Her heart warmed at the very sound of his voice.  It was a summit of hope wrapped inside the dark region of her cold little world.

            She felt herself move with shocking agility against the warmth of the fur that gave beneath her aching and fatigued body.  “What is it that I lie upon?” she rattled gruffly, her fingers digging into the deepness of the fluff.  A whining issued forth from the thing as its reverberation startled her to a staggering awareness.  Fear clutched her heart and Pentulla screamed at that very moment, slipping off of whatever she sat upon by accidental loss of balance.           At once, Crow was there to capture her descent as he held her loftily up against his chest with a widened smile.  “There, there, my princess--” Crow grunted as he softly returned her upon the back of his wolf, “--you must sit still or we shall take longer to make our escape.”

            “There is so much going on, I am lost…” Pentulla allowed her voice to fade as her eyes suddenly recognized the scurrying forms all around her through the penetrating obscurity.  “Your dwarves, they are here!”

            Crow beamed amiably at the glee that shown so brilliantly across her face.

            An unexpected deep rumbling sound quaked the caverns all around them as Crichtenzor shrieked eerily his discontent.  A hundred feet began to thunder along with the fearful sound of a thousand screeching voices.            “Quick!  Slinof!” Crow ordered as their pace accelerated.

            “Aye!” a peculiar voice answered quickly.

            Pentulla yelped as the warm furry creature that she sat upon charged forward with unforeseen speed.  “Hold tight to him, Pentulla.  He is very quick!”      “What is it that I ride upon?” she strained as she ducked flat against the animal, as if to aid its cause for velocity away from the undesirable goblin empire.

            “My wolf, Rawl.  But do not fret, my princess, he is quite taken with you.”            “That is a relief to hear,” she smiled into the darkness.  Her heart began to beat a vigorous tattoo within the confines of her chest.  But how would it feel to wonder beneath the limitless space of the vast heavens once more?  To feel the softly flowing breeze upon her face and the tingling warmth of the Enon upon her skin?  An uncontrollable burst of exhilaration erupted forth from the hollow of her stomach.  She was finally free, and she had Crow to thank for that!

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