Chapter 37: Welcome Celebration

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            “Aye, ’twould be a most festive time!” Slinof’s bright blue eyes gleamed with excitement as he tried to convince Pentulla why it would be very good for her to go.

            “Well, I do not know,” she said as doubt set in.  “How have they come to know of your absence?  I had thought your quest was one of a clandestine nature?”  Even though several days had passed on, doubt had set in since the incident with Spring Brook, though Crow reassured her several times that it would never happen again.

            “Well, when one so renowned suddenly ends up missing for several weeks, sooner or later his absence would be quite obvious.  But for one obvious reason--thanks to the jealous Spring Brook who had felt utterly ostracized by the void of invitation--everyone found out that I had gone off to some treacherous quest.”  Crow muttered as he flung a heavy cloak of soft wool over his brawn shoulders.

            Pentulla watched him with a trans-like air, trying to envision the whole affair, thoroughly unaware of her pursed lips and squinting eyes.  “Will she be there?  I am quite adamant about never seeing her again.”

            Crow smiled amiably.  “She will most likely be in attendance since she feels most desirable amongst those of my circles.”

            She lowered her brows and could not help but frown.  “I am not sure if I should go then.”

            “She shan’t lay another finger on you again, Pentulla, I promise you that.”

            Pentulla thinned her lips as he grew serious when he turned to face her, all movements coming to a halt.

            “There’s aught to worry about, lass,” piped Slinof who shook off his own cape before hurling it over one shoulder.

            After scores of visions had paraded through her mind of all possible confrontations of the sprite, she finally succumbed.  “Very well, yes, I shall go with you to this welcome celebration of yours.”  Her heart began to thump abrasively against her chest, unable to contain her trepidation of the known.  This would be, in fact, the first time she would mingle with others.  What would they be like and would they know her when they see her?  Just as Sinot and his cohorts had?

            She began to tremble, avoiding all eye contact with the Turon and dwarf.  The subject had always been too painful to discuss and she would not begin now.  She swallowed hard against the dryness of her throat, hoping that Crow would be perceptive enough if anyone should hassle her at the event.  Perhaps it would not be as bad as she was imagining the whole affair to be?

            Crow noticed the pallor of her face.  He was instantly before her, both hands wrapping around her cold ones.  “There is nothing to be wary of, Pentulla.  I promise you that I shall not allow anyone to take advantage of you.”  Crow’s smile was sincere.

            She hesitated only for a moment before giving him a single nod of acknowledgement.

            Crow leaned towards her and placed a small kiss upon her forehead.  “You will find it rather enjoyable, I promise.”

            Pentulla smiled in return and swished the lengthy sky-blue gown of heavy velvet over the tops of her sandaled feet.  At first, she had objected in wearing such finery, however, Crow had insisted.  Shrugging her shoulders, she had caved in and donned the rest of the robes.

            Pentulla squirmed with aching discomfort as her legs crossed at her knees upon the swaying rump of Rawl’s.  She sat uncomfortably upon the wolf’s slippery back, finding it a bother without Crow to hold onto as he strolled beside her down below with a toddling Slinof.

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