Chapter 7: Two Ganders

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A loud and rude pounding sounded at the door.  “Hey!”  Sinot bellowed, “Are you still alive?” 

            The dancing nymph halted, and was startled.  She quickly glided over to Mikash and sat promptly by him on the bench.  “I didn’t know you were expecting company?” her voice was hushed.

            “No, I am not actually.”  Mikash sucked on his lip as he growled inwardly.  That blackguard!  Well, it was inevitable.  He shrugged as he breathed raggedly.  Be strong, Mikash! he moaned in his head.  Should he quickly tell her how devious this one was?

            “Hey!  Mik!  I know you are home!  Let me in!”

            The maiden gazed wide-eyed at Mikash with raised brows.  Aren’t you going to let him in? she thought, but knew better than to speak it.

            “All I must say about this particular friend of mine is--be wary for he will try to misplace you.”  Then he replied in a shout, instantly regretting the prospect of allowing the slime back into his home.  “Yes, Sinot, I am.”  His heart rate quaked as his fists clenched tightly at his knees.  By the gods!  He did not want to deal with this right now, or ever for that matter!  The little muscle in his jaw began to twitch incessantly. 

            Sinot shoved past the door and staggered limply to the ground as if he had been stabbed.  The maiden, alarmed by the morbid display, capered off the settle bed and screamed.  Sinot jerked his head up to Mikash and was overwhelmingly blinded by her awe-struck beauty.  He was instantly charmed.           Mikash rolled his eyes skyward.  He was actually embarrassed by his inane behavior!  How could he not have seen it before?  But nevertheless, he whispered words of consolation to her.  “He always does that, please don’t be frightened.”

            The maiden’s lips twitched an indistinct smile and shook her head slightly.  Misplaced?  She immediately recalled Mikash’s caution.  She rather felt unsettled by his odd conduct!  But in spite of it all, she found him very pleasing to the eyes as she now began to examine his appearance.

            Mikash grew apprehensive as he noticed her fascination for his friend.  He hated to admit it, but he suddenly became irrepressibly jealous!  His face heated as he seethed in silent stillness.

            The auburn-haired wood elf rolled to his feet and intentionally strolled in a painful slowness to her. 

            Mikash held his breath as he rolled his eyes, expounding the feeling of uncontrollable resentment. 

            Sinot cautiously reached for her hand maintaining constant eye contact and bowed graciously as a prince would.  She smiled shyly as she tucked long silvery tresses behind her ear.  He then straightened his back to its fullest length as his chest bulged with muscle.  “My name is--Sinot,” he purred in a deep and husky tone.  She curtsied politely, still standing. 

            “And you are…?”  Sinot gently shook his head, his violet eyes fixed on hers. 

            Mikash gulped hard on the raging knot of anger.  Sinot just did not know when to stop, did he?  Then he was drawn out of his own globe of intense emotion as his mind recollected that she was still suffering from amnesia.  Oh--that would be just great!  He could see it already; Mikash finally gets a maid on his own and she doesn’t know her own name.  Sinot would never let him live it down.  But then, Mikash thought with deep dread, he would be drilled as to why she didn’t know her own name and how she got here and so forth…       Mikash swallowed nervously as his breath shallowed to a frazzled intake.  He hoped she would somehow think of something quick.  He did not want Sinot to pry further than necessary.

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