Chapter 25: Curiosity Settled

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            They continued their breath-stealing ascent through the narrowing, twisting cavern hallways that she knew led to their wedding bed.  He had never dared to lay a hand on her, but she knew that he had greatly desired by the hooded gazes that he had often sent her way.

            Now she was his empress, his wife.  All that that entailed made her skin come alive with a trembling fear of expectation.  What was to become of what she had left for herself?  Would she become a mere shadow of what she once was, nothing more than just a puppet for his whims?

            “I can see the thoughts pressing fear into your gaze.  What is it that you think of, my empress?” Crichtenzor quizzed as he gracefully strolled without so much as a hint of being winded by the lengthy trek to the dreaded chamber.          Pentulla’s thoughts were scattered when the question was asked as she blinked her eyes several times so that she could gather them again.  “I-I am not entirely sure.  I think of the many different things that have forever changed my life.”

            The emperor smiled coolly, his gaze penetrating that of her own.  “Yes, I see.”

            Would she be given the choice of not having him this night?  Again, she shot him a fleeting glimpse.  Her hand suddenly grew cold and she felt lightheaded and faint.  She could not know if she would survive this night!  Her heart pounded against her chest, a live animal awaiting to be freed from its smothering and unwanted cage.

            Pentulla let out a ragged sigh, which revealed much to the knowing emperor, as the guards slowly dwindled in number before they arrived at the Royal Chamber.  Only four remained as they took post at either side of the grand door that separated her from her doom.

            A loud and echoing clang sound drew her clouded mind to the great wooden door to her new place of dwelling.  The imperial guards stood at either side of it with heads bowed in respect.  The door creaked loudly as a gust of humid air rushed into her face.  It was dark and murky within.

            A frigid quaking tore up her body.

            “Come in, my empress,” the emperor’s voice was soft and almost too husky for her liking as he awaited her with an unmatched patience for that of a bridegroom.

            She shuddered.  No, please...  She felt like a gork being cornered by a sphinx at the edge of a plummeting cliff.  At least a gork would have a choice of jumping! she thought wryly.  It was a luxury she so much wanted right this very moment.

            The large door resounded with a loud and echoing report, Pentulla spun in her spot with an audible gasp, her hands knotted together like a maddened spider.

            The emperor smiled patiently.  He knew very well her repulsion of his mere presence.  He did not care, for he was emperor and she his empress.  She would eventually bend to his will whether she accepted it or not.

            “It would greatly please me if you slip away from your gown, my queen.”

            Pentulla wheezed, her sight become hazy and her ears buzzed.  “I don’t know if I can do this…  I am very afraid…”

            Crichtenzor smiled as he slowly approached her.  His hands softly caressed her shoulder as a shudder sundered her.  “It is not as bad as you imagine, my empress.  Come, let me show you something…”

            His hand softly dropped down the length of her arm as he clasped her hand in a loose hold.  He turned around and gently led her away from the entrance.  They walked slowly upon the amazingly smooth floors that reflected their own images quite distinctly, as mirrors would.

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