Chapter 47: Haunting Apparition

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            Zolata paced back and forth with a nervous tempo, her hands rubbing her upper arms beneath her chest.  She was anxiously concerned over Pentulla, whom still struggled with visions and dreams of a frightening nature.

            “I do not think that he has power over her any longer, Zolata.  Crow’s face was tranquil, however, his brow was slightly crinkled with worry.

            Zolata huffed and continued her anxious gait across the dimly lit chamber.  “I don’t know what to make of them, either.  They are much too vivid for my comfort, Crow.”

            Crow acknowledged her concern with a nod, he observed her deft but fluidic movements from one part of the chamber to the next.  “Perhaps we can return to your home?” before the sorceress could object to his notion, which seemed thoroughly outrageous, he quickly added, “Surely the same protection can be applied as it is here?”

            The sorceress regarded the Turon through a thick sweep of dark auburn lashes before dropping down to the puffy cushion beside her.  Her sigh was brittle, a sign of fatigue.  “You are right, though I loathe to admit that that is precisely what I should do.  This haven is certainly wearing upon my self and I can no longer sustain it.  I can surely bestow the same strength of power upon my home for the same effect…”  Zolata allowed her voice to trail off as her vision grew cloudy with abstraction.

            Once it was decided, Crow announced to Pentulla their thoughts about their next place of residence for the time being.  He found her gazing in deep thought at the passing wisps of gaseous exhibits beyond the magical bubble.            “That is fine with me,” was all she had spoken, her eyes never unfastening from the amazing display of dancing lights.

            It did not take Zolata much to cleanse her home from all impurity, fit for the stay of her companions as well as herself.  Rolac would have the inability to penetrate her shield here.

            Bearing that in mind, Zolata introduced Pentulla’s new bedchamber for the duration of time before the journey to the castle was to take place.          Pentulla watched with unblinking eyes the whole affair of changing homes and finding a new berth in which she could rest upon during the nocturnal courses.  She had lost all desire for sustenance and only half-heartedly heeded anything at all from the twosome.  All she felt were torrents of pain, anguish and grave loss pelting against her vulnerability.  It was as if she had lost Mikash all over again, and the one to blame she knew quite well.  Rolac.  The demon had once again taken everything she lived for and loved.

            The nights passed mockingly slow.  It would be forever before she would set out on her quest.  Pentulla sighed pensively as she sat in the moonchamber with a huge window facing the darkened heavens above.  Silver shafts of glowing light pierced the dark intensity of the chamber she occupied.  It played softly upon the features of her face, softening them to a gentle smudging that would catch the appreciate eye of an artist.

            A sigh of heartrending announced her presence within the placid view as her presence accentuated the pool of black.  She stared longingly at the twin moons as they were nearing to their cycle’s next phase.  To wait for their chapter of fullness would seemingly take an eternity!

            The day to set foot for their journey that she had finally succumbed to as an evil necessity.  Though her heart fluttered with the mere thought of conflict from the very being that had reeked so much chaos, she vowed with unswerving determination that she would make the impudent fiend beg for mercy!

            Several nights later, after a painstaking silent event of food consumption, Pentulla nodded her departure with a  courteous smile upon her lips that did not reach her eyes and sullenly proceeded to her moonchamber.  Zolata and Crow watched covertly her palpable sorrow, but kept to themselves.  For she had only refused their sympathy and would lash out with an unexpected anger that both shocked and troubled the pair.

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