Chapter 49

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            A day and a half ambled by after Pentulla’s emancipation and she, again, began to feel restless.  It was a different kind of anxiety as she gazed up at the waxing moons, nearly complete in their fullness.  A wistful sigh soared from her lips as she gazed at Luneta longingly, her hands cupping tightly at her shoulders with arms crossed.

            “The time is nearly come,” A soft musical voice was heard from behind Pentulla within the drowning darkness of the cavernous moon chamber.

            Pentulla did not flinch.  She knew Zolata had been standing there, hesitating in her approach of Pentulla’s emotional upheaval only allowed through the mirrors of her stormy gray eyes.

            She nodded, numb to the event that was inevitable to happen.

            Zolata shuffled closer and gazed up through the stretching glass that separated them from the warmth of the balmy night, the stars winking like glittering stones in the Enon’s brilliance.  “Lovely, is it not?”

            Again, Pentulla nodded.  “I need to see his home…” she spoke suddenly, her voice soft and whimsical.  She did not remove her sights from the moons that were barely visible through the thick and gnarly branches of the great tree overhead.

            The enchantress smiled softly and quietly strolled closer to Pentulla, the rustling of her gown and flowing mantle the only evidence of her approach.  “You have this night and the day left to do so.  It is on the morrow that we shall leave, if you so wish.”

            This completely took Pentulla aback, for they had been strict regarding her whereabouts.  Blinking away from her stupor that was difficult to break from the hypnotic pulsing of the stars, she finally turned over her arching shoulder and shot Zolata a questioning glance.  “You do not mind?”

            Zolata’s smile was gentle.  She shook her head smoothly and patted her shoulder and turned away in silent repose.

            Pentulla watched with fascination the graceful retreating silhouette of the enchantress and sighed, a grand weight lifted from her weary shoulders.  Crow and Zolata were very good for each other and she was rather pleased that they had finally come to terms regarding the awful past that had sundered them so long ago.

            The heavens were still lulled by the darkness of the night as Pentulla awakened with a start.  Her heart thundered beneath her heaving chest and her breath was ragged.  Would she be foolish in traveling alone?  But how would she feel if Zolata or Crow stood nearby while tears of sorrow dammed within her throat?  Would she wail?  Would she fall to her weakened knees and tremble like a new born babe?

            Pentulla slowly drew her legs over the edge of the bed and felt the shock of cold against the bottoms of her feet.  She quickly retracted them and pulled her knees up to her chin with a wistful sigh.  Many questions chased each other like maddened butterflies in her head and her stomach was soon queasy with so much confusion.

            Once her decision was made, she stood up, ignoring the discomfort of cold tile against her naked feet.  She sashayed thoughtfully to the looking glass and began to comb through the tangles caused by a restless sleep and dreamless night.

            She quickly secured the flowing hair with a single leather thong, plain and simple in expression.  She then donned fur trimmed leggings and tied the leather boots over with straps and buckled them tightly behind her knees.  Next came the tunic that met mid thigh and she secured it was a broad belt.  Tossing her hair behind her with a swift jerk of her chin, she glanced at her reflection with a devilish glint in her eye.  She appeared like a male warrior, ready to do battle at the drop of a hay straw!

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