Chapter 9: The Unfolding

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            The jewel on his chest began to dimly shimmer and pulsate, which captured her wandering eyes.  Pentulla reached out for it as her frigid fingers brushed against his chest as she retrieved it.  A hint of a smile crossed her soft lips as she eyed it with awe and pure fascination.  It had reminded her of tiny dancing rainbows after a thunderous rainstorm.  “It’s alive!” she brought her delicate brows together in confusion.  “Why is it?” 

            Mikash placed his chin on his chest, frowning as he tried to eye it.  His fingers then suggestively entwined with hers, grasping the amulet as well.  His heart raced at their contact, yet focused at what was at hand.  “I don’t know why it glows like that, but for some odd reason, it does that every time I visit my father.” 

            “Do you think it has anything to do with the castle?” her voice whispered to a quivering hush.

            Mikash knitted his thick dark brows in thought.  “You know that’s a really good notion, I had never viewed it in that light before.”  He looked up at her slowly with dread stirring within the sparkling depths of his eyes.  “I thought the demon looked very much like one of the gargoyles atop the castle…and the last time this orb awakened was when we were visited last--”

            “You aren’t suggesting that a gargoyle is up and about?” she cut him off, her voice suddenly losing all vigor.  It sounded preposterous!  But how?

            Just then, they both looked into each other’s eyes wide with fear.  “--by the incubus.  Yes, gargoyle.”  He continued in a hissing whisper so soft that she would have missed it if she was not looking at him.  The candle’s glow shined through the edge of Pentulla’s irises, giving her an enchanting appearance.     Mikash watched her with awe as she smiled sweetly.  Then her eyes no longer focused on his own, but slowly rose a few lengths above his head.  Then her  mouth dropped as her already large eyes grew larger from horror.

            His heart plummeted quickly as a chill thundered up his back violently.  Then he felt something loom over his head, but he refused to turn as he injected the maiden with his deepest attention.  He was too afraid to look.  Instead, he watched her facial expression to determine the creature’s whereabouts.  Mikash studied her horror-stricken face turn to the right of his shoulder as her lips trembled from terror. 

            Ever since the demon’s last skirmish, he had immediately strapped his trusty elfdagger to his hip.  Never again would he go without it.  He suddenly sprang out from his chair as it came crashing down to the floor with a clamorous clatter.  He quickly unsheathed the dagger as he faced the hulking demon.  He firmly footed his way backwards to Pentulla’s side as she slowly stood up.  Her eyes were glued firmly to it as to not miss any of its intention, whether big or small. 

            Mikash planted his feet wide apart, with the dagger gleaming threateningly.  His eyes pierced the demon’s angrily.  With his back toward Pentulla, the brave elf extended his free arm and beckoned her closer as his eyes never left the intruder’s.  She stepped closer to him with painful slowness as not to arouse the gaping demon’s suspicions. 

            The elvin folk gaped at the incubus’ scorched eye where Mikash had splattered it with scalding milkwood wax earlier.  It had blisters puffing around the tissue near its tiny eye as the other glared wickedly at them.  Then it slowly rose on its haunches, as if preparing to launch itself forward with bone-shuddering intentions and death-threatening strengths. 

            Its ashy form was scarcely discernible within the black depths of the shadows.  The demon’s good eye throbbed with a red eerie glow.  Then hot and putrid breath permeated their faces as it hissed horrendously.  A light shade of green smoke curled from the depths of the gaping mouth.  The candle’s blaze danced wildly against it, resisting the temptation to end its life to darkness.    Pentulla instinctively ducked behind her warrior’s shoulder, her only instinct was to run.  Her nails unintentionally deepened into Mikash’s flesh as her chest began to rise and fall with breaths of anguish.  Her mouth suddenly became tight and dry, making it quite painful to swallow the ferocious lump of fear that blocked her throat.

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