Chapter 43: Unchained Memories

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            Pentulla felt sweet dreams wash over her and warmth envelop her from all sides.  She could not recall the last time she had felt so safe and calm while allowing herself to drift into slumber.  Suddenly, she felt the warmth begin to slip away as if she had decided to surface from the depths of the sea after an invigorating swim.

            The sound of silence filled her hearing and she could feel eyes watching her with grave intent.  With a  gasp and a jolt, Pentulla bolted upright from the bed and found herself staring into the eyes of Crow and Zolata.

            Crow’s expression was complex upon his usual clear air.  His eyes contained an uncertain appearance of apprehension that caused Pentulla to part her lips with a small and frightened gasp.  As for Zolata, she too, bore a similar semblance but her eyes contained sparking disapproval rather than disquietude.

            Feeling apprehensive, she stammered, “Have I done something wrong?”  Her question was directed to Zolata first, then, “Crow, why are you looking at me that way?  Have I wronged you in any way?”  Pentulla could feel a shiver in the air and refused to give into a shudder that threatened to creep up her back.    Crow gently shook his head as his brows furrowed with worry.  “Pentulla, how do you feel?”

            “I--” she paused, still unable to shake the urgency of their junta, “I feel very well, thank you.”  To Zolata, she spoke now, “I do thank you for your kind hospitality, I feel as if this is the very first time I have been able to sleep and so well!”

            “Yes,” Zolata answered almost coldly, confounding Pentulla for her unwarranted hostility.  “I can easily imagine.”

            Pentulla blinked away and focused upon her writhing hands upon her lap unable to understand why the sorceress had treated her so rashly.  Then, with all her courage gathered, she breathed in deeply, lifted her eyes and plunged in, “Zolata, have I wronged you in any way?  Because if I have--”

            “Tell us who you really are?” Zolata interrupted, her eyes narrowed.

            “What?”  Pentulla gave her a hard look and lifted the covers over her chest, feeling it necessary to shielding herself from the hostile darts that Crow’s beloved had sent her.  “I thought, I…” she sent Crow a pleading gaze and then sucked in her lips.  “I have already clarified that many times with Crow.”

            Zolata arched her brow crisply, awaiting a reply to her own question.

            “Which is,  I do not know.”  She could not help a note of hostility from showing in her inflection.  What was all this about?

            “Please spare us the vacancy of your explanations,” Zolata snapped, causing Crow to frown at her.  She ignored him.  The enchantress could feel herself tremble.  She could not help the ugly head of anger and hate from rearing within her heart of hearts.  For, right before her, dwelt Elondra.  The Elondra whom had reeked such calamitous havoc throughout many nations!  “Why are you treating me thusly, I must know!” Pentulla spat out on her own behalf, feeling resentful at the fact that Crow seemed oblivious to her own emotional peril.  She felt something terribly amiss and it caused much anxiety.            Zolata smiled thinly and sashayed over to Pentulla’s bed and lowered herself slowly upon the plushness of the mattresses.  “Tell me, how have you enjoyed my spells?  Do they please you?  Do they live up to your expectations?”

            Pentulla felt angry now and despised how she was being affronted by someone she had never met before.  “Whatever to do you mean?  Crow, I don’t suppose you will allow such rude treatment-- ”

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