Chapter 28: Secret Tryst

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            The next day started with a jubilant aura.  Pentulla cared less regarding the sudden aloof mannerisms of the emperor.  He refused to meet her gazes during their meals and he did not attempt to lay a hand upon her to claim his rights as her husband, either.  She was quite grateful for that matter, and his reasons did not interest her in the least bit.

            All she could think about was Crow who dwelt in the awful small black space far bellow.  As for her amulet that Mikash had given her, well, she walked on air the whole time through.  She felt hope again filtrating her blood as she indulged her thoughts of the hope that it had given her.  Her tie with Mikash felt whole once more.  She smiled, her hand automatically caressing the jewel at her throat.

            Finally, to Pentulla’s relief, it was time for the Gagdo Empire to retire.  She lay wide awake, her heart pounding a tattoo in her chest.  Her mind swam with thought after thought as she prepared herself with lists of questions to ask Crow.            She smiled as she thought of Crow, feeling ecstatic that she now had something to look forward to in the midst of this dreadful and gloomy place.  He had also so reminded her of Mikash with his long black hair and deep brown eyes…

            A sigh of pleasure seeped through her lips as she snuggled deeply into the covers.

            “I see that my empress is happy,” Crichtenzor’s voice was hollow in the large and echoing chamber.

            “Yes, it has been long, hasn’t it?” she sighed, a smile playing upon her lips, as she caressed the jewel at her throat.

            “It is good to see you in such high spirits.  I have a grand surprise in store for you, my empress.”

            Pentulla’s smile dropped.  A surprise?  What did that mean?  She then recalled her last surprise and it had turned out to be the tormenting of Sinot.  Her heart stopped as her mind settled upon Crow.  Would the emperor involve him?  She gulped hard, feeling a sense of urgency to flee to the dungeons this very moment so she could warn them both…

            “Why, my empress, you are so very silent,” the emperor held a smile in his voice.

            “I--I am only imagining what this surprise is of yours.  I--uh--can’t wait…”            Crichtenzor thinned his lips.  “Sleep is now at hand, my empress.  Sleep well and I shall greet you early soon enough.”

            “Sleep well, my emperor…” she rushed, hoping that he would soon find himself deep in slumber.  Her eyes were wide with worry as the many horrid scenes of torture played in her mind concerning the impending disaster.  She closed her eyes for a moment to lay quietly still so that the emperor could be lulled into his own state of sleep.

            Screams of torture filled the air as Pentulla felt her own heart shattering with grief.  She was surrounded by a seeping evil that filled the darkness all around her.  Laughter then penetrated her mind and she bolted awake, finding herself drenched with perspiration.

            Pentulla fought with the deep covers that engulfed her when she found the emperor deep in his own sleep.  His breathing was a steady rhythm which only testified involved slumber.

            Once, to her satisfaction, finding that he would not awaken by her violent movements, she cautiously slid off the bed and tightened the gown around her waist.  Her heart beat furiously with excitement as the anticipation of meeting with Crow once more came to bloom in her mind’s eye.

            “It does not alarm me whatsoever,” Crow soothed once he saw her expression of horror.

            “But you could be killed!” she hissed, her fists before faces, feeling an overwhelming sense of frustration.

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