Chapter 30: Wedding Gift

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            Once entering the Great Hall, Pentulla noted how oddly the seats had been set up.  They were all fashioned against the walls, allowing a large portion of the floor to be exposed at the very center.  Gagdo Feasts, thus far, had never been held in such a lofty manner, nor were they ever expected to have a captive audience as they ate.  What was amiss?

            Her brows pinched together with confusion as she queried her husband, “Will the imperial subjects watch us feast?”

            “No,” came his reply.  “The table must be set where there is space.  You and I shall dine with no one else but ourselves.  Then, as we complete our repast, I shall indulge you in a favorite pastime.”

            “But you had said quite distinctly that we should not  keep our subjects awaiting?  They could afford a whole time for our repast to be consumed--” “Yes, my darling,” Crichtenzor stopped in his tracks as he stood before her, staring deeply into her up-turned eyes.  “You are too correct, however--” he turned and began his pleasant stroll, “it is all set.  This is my wedding gift to you…”

            Pentulla glanced nervously all around the huge chamber with an anxiety that burgeoned like a fearful monster in her chest.  “‘Favorite pastime?’” she gulped with horror.  Not blood and gore once more!  Her heart could not handle it!

            Once seeing the look of concern sprawled upon her pristine countenance, Crichtenzor gave her a comforting smile as he ran a finger beneath her smooth jaw-line.  “There is nothing to worry, my empress.  We have been doing this for centuries.  No one will lose his life, I pledge my vow to you.”         Time passed pleasantly as emperor and empress consumed the fine meal.  Pentulla had actually enjoyed his company and the discussion that they held concerning the affairs of the goblins and their hording tendencies of treasures.

            She had actually found it quite intriguing that goblins loved trinkets and baubles.  Deep beneath the imperial domain, Crichtenzor had revealed, was a stash of jewels, weapons, trinkets and so much more that had been slowly stored for many centuries.  It was called Roch’s Rest, after the first goblin that had discovered its hiding residence.

            Once they completed their feast, several goblins came in and removed the seats and table to Pentulla’s growing anxiety.  But the emperor reassured her it was for a surprise that he had in mind for her.

            To her pleasant surprise, they danced an ancient tango that had once been popular.  She laughed and swayed in his arms as their feet ravenously ate up the space of floor.

            When they were done, they took their places where their thrones had been brought in and placed at the head of the chamber.  That was when Pentulla felt the shivers of fear and anticipation permeate her.  She glanced nervously at the emperor, but his aloof manner overtook him once more.  His eyes remained fixed at the entrance as many goblins filed in with much excitement upon their lips and eyes.

            “What is the meaning of all this?!” she whispered as she felt chills dousing her from everywhere.

            His smile was serene and remote as his eyes hid any meaning from being read.  “Why, this is my wedding gift to you,” he answered slyly as a spark twinkled mischievously in his eyes.

            “You had promised me that this would not happen!”

            “I had promised, my empress, that no one will lose his life.”

            She pressed her lips together with displeasure.  She could not help but feel rancor now for the emperor and his accursed goblin customs!  He was no goblin for that matter!  Could he not have changed their gruesome traditions into something more civil?  With a nervous twitch, she wafted herself with the soft, feathery fan she had found attached to the silvery dress.

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