Chapter 5: Angelic Stranger

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The golden rays finally tore through the retiring clouds as Enon began to yawn sleepily above the darkened mountains.  Only then did Mikash begin to stir.  He had laid low from the time of arrival, still throttled with terror.  The body had remained close to his own as he had quietly slipped into a deep slumber.      He stretched out his weary and cramped legs beneath the maiden as he raggedly groaned.  What was it that had chased him so unrelentingly?  He shuddered as the same old feeling crept up his spine.  Well, it had been almost a whole day since and nothing more had been heard.

            Mikash pushed the body off his aching thighs as it thudded on the ground heavily.  He smirked at it with aversion.  Just what was he thinking of when he brought it to his house?  Was it this that was supposed to bring his life “full circle”?  He scoffed at himself.  He was rather hasty and inane for such recklessness.

            No matter--she is here now.  So he decided to carry her to his bedchamber where he would clean her up and dress her.  Perhaps for a funeral?  He shrugged.  He just did what felt right, is all.

            He sauntered solo to the small well behind his home in profound meditation.  His eyes remained still as his thoughts flew on wings of wander.  How would his life change now?  Will it truly be any different than it was this dawn?  Mikash smirked.  He had outwitted the creature and now was safe and sound within his little home, now with someone to look after, whether alive or not.  He shivered at the prospect.  He still thought himself to be daft.

            After pulling the filled bucket up from the ground, he carefully trudged back into the dark coolness of his house.  He had laid her on the floor by the foot of his bunk.  He had thought of placing her upon his bed, however, once eyeing the repulsive bearing of mildewed clothing and tangled hair hiding a face, he decided otherwise.

            Once the tub was filled, he dragged her closer to it and began to untangle the wrap from her face.  It was a slow and tedious process, but once he was done, he was astonished at what hid behind the silvery tresses.  It was the most staggering beauty he had ever encountered.  For some odd reason, he had expected to find an atrocious complexion from decomposing!

            “Good gracious!” he cried out now feeling guilty for her mistreatment and for his repulsed mannerisms.  And he had not yet checked whether she lived!  His face heated with compunction.

            The wood elf scurried as quickly as possible to fetch some fresh water in a goblet and slipped it between her parched lips.  After setting it down, he placed her head gently upon the floor and checked for breath and a heart’s beat.  It was quite difficult to determine since the rising and falling of her chest (if so) was hidden beneath bulky layers of clothing.

            Mikash blushed as he slid his clammy fingers under the neckline and ripped it away from her body.  He turned away as her breasts spilled outward.  He carefully brought his ear to her mouth as he eyed her chest for any movement.  His heart pounded as if it wanted to cease, but washed with relief once discovering her breath.  It was shallow and slow, but breath nonetheless.      That’s when more questions dammed his dizzying mind.  Who was she?  How did she get there?  Why?  He closed his eyes and shook the brimming thoughts away.  First thing’s first.  A bath and then clean clothes.

            It had gotten too dim to rely on the light of Enon, so Mikash had set milkwood candles on top of each pillar of his bed.  Once concluding her cleansing, he carefully placed her on his generous bed, with her head propped up on a volcano of pillows.  She lay still trapped in unconscious stunning grace.  Her wan face was heart-shaped with closed and tranquil eyes.  Her brows arched delicately over thick and long lashes.  The bridge of her nose was a graceful curve with a tip that turned upwards.  Her lips were full and enticing as he continued his observation.  Her chin was small and dainty.  She was still lovely even near death! 

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