Chapter Episode 1 Lost in Space and Time.

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Chapter Episode 1

Lost in Space and Time.

During the super tournament young nine year old Goten was playing around near Bulma's home.
While playing with a dragon ball, the golden ball bounced its way into one of Bulma's newly designed spaceship.
Meanwhile the young scientist was busy carrying out experiments at a safe distance from her work which she had just finished.
"Okay, now let's see here, if the Bulma from the other parallel dimension could make Trunk's ship inter-dimensional, then fusing its designs with Goku's ship that he had travelled to Namek in shouldn't be too hard now should it.
It wasn't any big project, but after having to squeeze into trunk's craft to travel to Future Trunks world to fight Goku-black, it seemed like a good idea.
Meanwhile the tournament was on, and as the battle heated up, it was causing some disturbances in the present atmosphere, eager to have her project tested, Bulma unknowingly launched her best friend's son into one of the most horrific the dilemmas he would ever go through in life.
Whilst looking eagerly for the ball in anticipation of the scolding that he would get, the young boy, is startled by the sudden blaring sounds and the flashing red lights.
Thinking what to make of it, the door starts to close, taking one more look around Goten heads for the door, just as he was about to bail out, he spotted the dragon ball neatly stashed behind a control panel.
Making a dash for the ball, he turned to flee the spaceship.
The door closed.
Not wanting to go super and damage anything the boy stayed put, scared of what to expect and of what crazy ideas Bulma was now about to carry out.
The electrical interference was preventing Bulma from using the C.C.V. camera, but that gave her even more reasons to launch the spaceship at this point of time since she could always retrieved information to find out all of the possible activity that would go on in space that her future endeavours may have to deal with.
The spaceship blasted off into space with a bit of a rumble and Goten watched the earth get smaller and smaller and was pretty soon it was out of sight.
Huge flashes of electricity flashed across space and time.
Bulma increased the spaceships speed to maximum and checked her monitors for reactions the ship was getting. Her plan was to warp the sip into the future and retrieve it at will. Everything was a go. Suddenly the C.C.V. monitor flashed on an she gasped as she saw young Goten. But it was too late, any diverting could mean loosing the boy . . , or his death.
"Bulma?" The boy replied, coming to tears.
"Goten, I need you to . . ."
Another electric surge of power . . , and flash, the spaceship was gone.

Nowhere in the present mainstream to be seen . . . Bulma, steeled her nerves, and got to work . . .
Now where could he be . . .?

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