Chapter Episode 8 The Hunt is On

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Chapter Episode 8

The Hunt is On

    The next morning early Goten got his things together and prepared himself for the experience to come. Half of him wanted to be confronted with the two boys alone in the wood, but too many things could go wrong then.
    Lauren finally came back, it was another day as usual, Massa didn't want the extra attention should any scouting ship came. He gave orders for them to continue bringing the wood and water. They however wood be away to meet with others like them. There was no telling when they would be back.
    This was quite a relief, now they could finally escape.
    Massa's trip would be sure to take the big giant more than the day, so placing on all of the weights, he was off to cut wood and bring water, deliberately refusing to put on the repellent.
    He was being stalked as usual, but it was only after returning with water did a huge bandit of all sized cats pounce out of the trees.
    Surrounding him like a helpless prey. Soon one then another pounced at the little fellow from every direction, big, small, whatever.
     Goten held firm, and with weights on, and full buckets of water on his shoulders, the bow just kicked them out of the air as they came.
    "Whump." "Bap."
    "Whack." One got the kick across the head.
    Gotten got his shirt torn with a slash, but was even quicker to land a kick behind that big cats head.
    When he reached home, the girl was concerned.     He told her he hadn't spilled a drop of water.
    After cutting throughout seven logs almost whole way with one strike, he loaded the logs in place and grabbed the huge pile of food upon his tiny shoulders and was off to fill the ship.
    They had a plan, she was the look out and would set things in place, whilst he got the work done quickly and loaded his ship with all the necessities they could need for space travel. Hopefully he could return home, to his family . . , somehow.
    He was one his way to the ship when he heard a noise in the distance. Dragging his stuff under the dense foliage he his and waited. A huge bir . . . no dragon, lifted up from amongst the trees and the chase was on. This time it was a huge space ship and two smaller ones like the one that had been blown out of the air.
    This time Massa was away, and he had to help the bird . . . uh . . dragon, somehow.
    With no time to loose, the boy got to the ship, placed his cargo safely inside, and was off to where the scene was.
    Making a straight line towards the action the boy nearly fell into the lake.
    The dragon had somehow blown one of the smaller ships out of the air, but the others stood firm, and fired there cannons at the big beast.
    "Phhtumm!" "Phhtumm!"
    Both missed but the dragon didn't he had powered up in flight and let loose at the big ship.
    "Vutoom" "Buouugetthhh".
    A huge hole was now in the mother ship,
    The dragon dodged the little ships valiant efforts.
    The mauve occupants of the big ship were just jumping through the same big hole, landing safely in the water . . .
    "Buruhnn!" A huge rumbling sound came from beneath the water as the center of the lake formed a huge cone and a gigantic, green, beast of a monster came up and bashed the big ship. With that first blow, the ships occupants took the ship even higher, its people still raining down into the water below.
    The dragon lined up a blast to the smaller ship, but a cannon from the bigger ship let off a shot as well.

    "Vutoom" "Buouugetthhh!".
    Not found their targets.
    The small ship exploded, and the dragon tried to fly but fell through the trees.
    The mother ship tried to let off another shot, this time towards the beast in the river, which was now very happily devouring the survivors.
    In a state of confusion and not knowing who to save Gotten fired a ki blast at the river monster to get him off the survivors, which was hopeless as the planet's gravity dropped it way too short killing some of those swimming for dear life. This had the mauve people who had made it to shore chasing him.
    Of course he could fight, but who was the real victims here?
    Running past the injured dragon, the dragon not dead let out his blast that burnt them all up.
    Gotten stopped . . . by the huge beast, heart pounding not knowing what to think, or who to believe was the real victim.
    Just then the monster turned glowed brightly, and started to shrink and changed as it did.
    The nine year old's mouth fell open, as what now lay before him was a beautiful woman clad very scantily in many colored gems.
    Her stomach was spewing mixed colored too and blood . . .
    The woman beckons for him to come closer, which he slowly did. Suddenly, the woman grabbed his hand and drew his face right up to hers. She looked deeply into his eyes, carefully searching , as if she was looking for something.
    As suddenly she let him go.
    "Go", she croaked and lay down her head on the ground, "find him, protect him . . , and bring him here . . , when it's safe."
    And with that she was dead.
    Suddenly there was a very piercing light coming from her dead body, which disappeared, some glowing balls appeared in its place, and then they just shot off into space, that is, all but one emerald glassy ball, which just rolled under a bush, and disappeared as it went.

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