Chapter Episode 17 One Good Turn . . , Deserves Another!

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Chapter Episode 17

One Good Turn . . , Deserves Another!

"Go, go go . . !!"
Flawadius himself was leading a charge from the hide out towards the mountain peak where the others were.
"Hu, ha, hu, ha, ha . . ." "Bpshuu!"
There fighting abilities were very much improved, as they fought their way most valiantly through a very large host, punching, kicking, and blasting their way through. The fusion with their females, had not boosted them much, but with their skills and ferocity, they paved their paths with the bodies of the fallen Mascari.
'I hope they make it.' Little Goten thought, lowering himself into the midst of the Crew. The Crew were huge, android machinery, of hard shelling, and powerful blasts. This was where his fight was, this was where a Saiyan warrior belonged . . . amongst foes . . . whose main purpose . . . was to destroy.
As the for concentrated the bruit force of all their might, Goten became a supersaiyan.
Using his head, it was better, much better to fig in the midst rather than having to dodge in the air.
"Putuum!" "Putuuum!"
The young Saiyan was quick to dodge the two blasts, and even quicker to retaliate with to blasts to the monster face, only to find his fist going through the really hard under bellies of two more giant Crew as his first blasts hit their targets.
"Putuum!" A blast fired at his back, but he was gone so fast the shot seem to go throw his afterimage, only to destroy an already injured Crew. "Kaboom!!"
Suddenly the Crew stopped advancing, rearranged themselves, and then marched forwards, keeping their underbellies close to the ground.
"Ptsuum!" "Tack!" "Ptsuum!" "Tack!" "Ptsuum!" "Tack!" "Ptsuum!" "Tack!" . . . Goten's simple ki blasts were hitting some sort of frontal shield. The golden boy grinned happily. "I was hoping that this wouldn't be too easy."
"Their surrounding you!!" It was Flawadius, he was hovering high in the sky, as he held onto a very wounded Namekian lady, and he could see hundreds of giant Crew encircling Goten and advancing, to cover the boy. Heap after heap just piled on top of him, as the huge Namekian watched in horror. ' Why didn't he just take to the skies, it would have made him an easier target, but at least he wouldn't have gotten caught.
The Crew far away were spouting blasts of liquid onto those covering Goten. The liquid hardened into a steel casket, and nothing was moving under it.
"Screech!" "Screech!"
It was Ariochi, he had seen what had happened, and had left off the task at the bottom of the mountain. Circling over where Goten was. The heap was now mountainous. But a little golden light burned, somewhere down, deep, within the huge steel mound.
"Hu-Bu-u-tewwwwwwwwwww. . . .!!" The blasts was huge, and the heat thereof vehement.
"Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr . . . ." The ground trembled . . . but . . , it . . it wasn't the heat.
[Under the massive steel mount] Goten stood ablaze with gold power and golden heat, "Rhaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!"
Dragonic heat blasting the top, Saiyan power blazing beneath. There was not telling the out come, but the metal hill quickly became red hot.
"Putuum!" "Putuuum!"
Several remaining Crew fired what they had left of their blast attacks at the hovering dragon, barely missing him.
"Let's go . . . let's go!!
Flawadius screamed for an attack on the remaining Crew that was not metallicised. Some already fused Namekians rose into the air to meet their leader as the other warriors picked a mate and fused. Their race would be extinct, and they had found one way of ensuring the survival of the Namekian race where ever they go.
Those who were already assembled, and tried to shoot the remaining Crew, but this was very dangerous because they couldn't see the blasts until caught in the fire.
Goten below saw the predicament. They were once again risking their lives to save him. He had deliberately allowed the Crew to swarm him, as he had seen his dad do many times with many foes, and then he'd bust out from beneath defeating huge numbers in one gigantic power trip, but this was crazy. He didn't know of this metallic liquid which would harden like steel, and now he was trapped and more Namekians might die.
"Ra aaaaaaaah!!" Deciding to raise his power level to get as much power as he could, 'his little muscles started buldging with the increase', even though it would slow him significantly: but these Crew that are frozen in steel wouldn't be moving, now would they.
"Wham!!" "Wham!!" "Wham!!"
Goten smashed through the underbellies of of those entombed. He had to get to the surface.
"Putuum!" "Putuuum!"
Suddenly two crew fired at the Namekians. The shots were so fast the Namekians could not see them . . , but Goten saw the bombardments through the glassy metal, slowly going g for their targets.
"No, no, no!!!!!" "Rhahhh! Going immediately higher, "bishhh!" He eclipsed . . , into never before . . . Superaiyan 2.
"Tuic-B O O M!!!"The metal mountain exploded, and immediately the powered up boy was standing between death and the his new found allies. "B-Boom!!!!"
All looked in shock at what had transpired, they only saw Goten appear and then the huge explosion, but their was no doubt, that he had just saved their lives.
"When the smoke and dust-like particles cleared . . , there was Goten . . , right hand still out as when he stopped the two rockets with them, and then a ball of light formed in the same hand . . .
"Ptuuu . . . Kaboom!!" And the blast consumed everyone of the gathered Crew, mount and all.

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