Chapter Episode 13 Free At Last

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Chapter Episode 13

Free At Last

"Reahghhh!" Goten returned to his supersaiyan form, trying his best to keep his composure, as the power in the fruit threatened to force him far higher than he'd expected. 'If anything goes wrong, I'll need to be in full control.'
"Raghhhhh!" It was over taking him. The power was too much.
Flying in at the trio he hoped this rage would diminish if he fought.
"Wham" "wham" "Wham"
The three let loose wild furious punches, kicks, and headbutts, but Goten blocked all of them with amazing speed and accuracy. He was torn between blinding power and fighting off the three.
It was amazing to see the speedy thrown of trees rocks, punches, kicks, everything was moving so fast, Launie could hardly believe that it was young Goten in the middle of the madness.
Goten blasted the three off of him, enough defending, it's his turn to attack.
"Bup", "Pcrack," "Poahgch".
Both Blebut and Yelbo was out for the moment, the the big oaf started to get up from where he'd fallen.
One quick punch to the stomach had the giant bending over the young saiyan. Suddenly he grabbed on to Goten's shoulders, Goten continued a barrage of brutal punches to his green, hairy, stomach.
Taking the immense pain, Massa leaned back, and then head butt Goten and all to break both their heads.
He leaned back again, but Goten was quick to place his feet on the giants chin to keep him from butting him any more.
There was a bit of a struggle, and then Goten let loose too ki blast to e giants eyes, after which, the big guy let go.
Dropping to the ground the headbutt causing him dizziness, it was obvious . . ., it was time to go.
With power still surging through him, and a pulsing headache, the young saiyan floated up.
Blebut shuck free from unconsciousness, and Yelbo started to awaken as well.
As he was nearing the ship, the sound of breaking branches, told him one thing . . .
Powering up as much as he could, suddenly he transformed into supersaiyan 2. He didn't mean to, but the fruit kept pushing his power to incredulous heights.
Suddenly a huge stream of rocks, branches, and whatever else came flinging at the boy as he stood a bit in front of the ship.
This was it, the ship, Lauren, and Ariochi, would be able to escape, if he could just manage to stop them now.
Putting a bit more than enough into the his power blast, he let it go.
The bright flash of power devour rocks, trees, and everything else, on its way to the green three. Yelbo tried to run, his big brother tried to block, but the dad, a mad raging savage, met it with the biggest tree within his reach, roots and all.
Moments later, nothing could be seen, but charred ground, kindled or burnt wood, and inches of ashes, strewn across the face of the ground.
Entering into the ship, Goten's veins felt like it was on fire.
Returning to his normal state he sank down exhausted. The feel of soft hands met him, holding him gently up.
We . . . we have to set a cour . . . course, to g . . get out of here.
"Hilden . . , it should be safe there."
Goten didn't have time to question her. He entered the name . . . and the craft took off.
He didn't even know how or if the ship knew where it was . . . but he had to rest . . , he just had to sleep.
Lauren walked him over to the bed, and he flopped down.
And with one fleeting look at the little dragon Ariochi sitting in his humanlike form, and Lauren, who was having to work her whole life, to pay off a debt that was not hers, he smiled.
"We're free . . . at last."
And Goten sunk down into an unconscious state.

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