Chapter Episode 15 Friends or Fiends

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Chapter Episode 15

Friends or Fiends

"That was close, how did you know that he was the bad guy Goten?" The little blonde questioned , as she bandaged the green Namekian now under her care.
"I didn't, and I still don't . . . its just, we came to answer a distress signal, but he looked okay, so I figured whoever he was chasing had to be the one in distress."
"Good thinking Goten." Even quiet Ariochi looked pleased. The three of them were themselves seeking help, only to be helping others.
"Peep" "Peep" "Peep" . . .
"Again?" Goten blurted out, how bad is it in this universe?"
"Where you come from doesn't have bad people?" Lauren looked very puzzled.
"Yes, once in a while . . . but just about every planet I've landed on has some violence, and issues that can't seem to be resolved without violence."
"But that's how it has ever been here. I don't know where you're from, but the stronger usually prey on the weaker."
Ribs aching and very sore, hand scorched, and starving, Goten placed the ship to land automatically, and went to look for some things to eat amongst their storage. One third of the huge turkendunckle, and some juice became the boys lunch. They had to preserve their rations as long as they could, till they found more food.
As the boy ate, the spaceship came to a quiet jolt. The Namekian girl lay on her back sleeping, whilst Lauren and Ariochi peeped out of the window. There was scattered foliage, what looked like one or two round headed trees. This one planet was very huge, and seemed to have more than one sun.
"Its beautiful out, there is lots and lots of water with plots of land all around."
"Then we'll need to check if the water is safe. The ship needs fresh water."
Lauren nodded enthusiastically, as the thought of a bath made her feel overjoyed.
"There is a hose beneath the back of the ship . . . I . . , " The pain in his ribs was crippling. So much so that just talking and eating was giving him agony. Massa and his sons had proven more than a good match.
Lauren saw the immense discomfort Goten was in. "We will go . . ."
"No . . I . . ." She was right. He was badly in need of rest and relaxation to heal. "O . . . okay . . . but Ariochi goes with you, and you yell and run this direction at the first sign of trouble."
Moments later, Ariochi and the girl made their way over to the nearby water. The water was calm a while ago, but as they reached the water's edge, the water now appeared a bit rough. Looking up in to the distance, the sky was now lighting up, like fireworks, only brighter. Ariochi's countenance change to an angry stern look. He moved forwards, but Lauren tried to hold him back, but he wouldn't hear. Jumping over the watery he began to glow brightly, and becoming a cute little dragon, and he flew off towards the lights.
Not knowing what to do, the girl convinced herself that she was only going to take a look. Concentrating, she forced her power force downwards, and flew off behind the little blue dragon.
Goten awoke startled, by the loud explosion. It was over five hours since, Lauren had left, and her and little Ariochi could not be seen.
The young Namek girl was still out cold, but was sweating.
Going over to the door he looked out. Flashes, of lights he knew instantly was ki wave blasts, made him hope, Ariochi and Lauren hadn't gone in that direction . . . but his inner gut told him, they had.
Looking back at the Namekian, he wasn't sure what to do. He didn't want to leave the ship, because he didn't know if he could trust her . . . but he definitely couldn't leave his friends to suffer or die.
"Hi . . ."
" . . . hi", she returned in her weakened voice. "Where am I?"
"Not too far from where we had found you."
Holding up she tried to see outside of the ship. "No . . . this is the planet Osphorus . . . it's where we were brought to tend fields, for the Mascari!" Grabbing hold of Goten she shouted, "They are too strong, we have to go."
Even if they were the same as the guy he'd rescue her from, he could probably take on one or maybe two, but a whole host would be near impossible to defeat.
Now more than ever he didn't want to leave her here, and so he grabbed the distress beacon, closed the hatch-door and left to save his friends.
The gravity was three times earth's gravity, so it was okay, but no mistake, it looked like he was flying into a war. A war that seemed about to end.
To his surprise and great horror, not only was there a great war going on, but Lauren and a huge familiar dragon was in the midst of it.
One wing a bit damaged Ariochi was transporting Namekians to a mountain ridge burning as many as the creatures in his path as he could. Lauren stayed back, and was attacking the main force head on with the Namekian warriors, but there were just too much. The Namekians knew how to fire ki blast, and a few of the brown aliens were using equipment to fire back.
There was no sense hiding now, flying up into the sky Goten powered up as best he could, and let loose a big ki blast at a mountain. Most everyone froze at the explosion. "We need to settle this peacefully!"
Everyone now stopped. The Namekians stood bruised and bleeding, many of their comrades were injured or dead, and they had blood and vengeance in their eyes, for they had been kidnapped, enslaved, sold, and beaten: But Goten had the Mascari very unwilling to fight.
"Crew!" "Crew!" "Crew!" . . . the silent chant of the Mascari grew louder and louder. Then far behind the ranks came two huge crab like creatures. Many Namekians exclaimed in fright, but they held their ground. Apparently, they had had a running or two with these huge monsters, and it was a terrible affair.
Goten wanted to grab Lauren and flee, after all, he was biting off way more than he could chew, but the death and enslavement of these creatures would haunt him in his dreams.
"Well dad, this is one of those moments, when being a half-sayiyan would prove what you're made of." Ribs still hurting, he looked over to where Lauren stood, she looked tired and bruised, as was the Namekians, and she looked back at him, as if all hope may be lost, but this was a fight they just had to be in.
Ariochi was on the hill protecting hundreds of Namekian women and children from any foes who would attempt to climb up the big hill they were on.
"Arrrr!!!!!" The war cry gone out, the Mascari charged in weapons blazing and so did the Namekians.
Heart pounding loudly, and feelings a deep sense of regret and dismay, Goten struggled to breath, from what he was forced to next; He had to protect the innocent, the righteous, the victims.
A huge cannon fired off from one of the giant 'crabs?' The powerful blast hit Goten full on . . . his body completely wrecked, he fell from the heavens, unaware of the horrid battle, that was now taking place around is body.

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