Chapter Episode 5 Massa (Massa)

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Chapter Episode 5


"Ahndn!" The pain was crippling, but Goten fought to open his eyes that wanted to close in submission to it.
He was in a pen. It looked fit for dogs . . , but why was he there?
Suddenly he remembered, one of the boys had hit him . . . so hard to break his neck and all.
It was getting dark. Suddenly there was shuffling at the entrance to the very small pen.
The young lady he'd seen earlier came. She was carrying something's. A lamp, bandages, and some food.
It was only when she came to kneel down beside him that he noticed even more bruises than at the first.
"They beat me . . ." the young lady answered, seeing him staring. "It was for running away."
"What are you . . . a slave? They c . . ."
"Exactly . . . a slave."
"I'll try to get us out of here . . . you'll see. . . ." When my dad gets here, they'll be sorry."
"Whose your dad?" she asked, tending to his bruises. "Is he some sort of king?"
"Where are you from? . . . I mean, who is your people."
" . . . I am not from around here." Goten stammered. He didn't know if to trust her enough to tell her about his ship.
"My dad . . , well we are . . . he has become a slave . . , and by extension the rest of our family . . . We . . ., we were sold into different families."
"Did, did your family owe them?"
The little lady looked at Goten puzzled.
" . . . You really are not from around here, aren't you."
Goten looked sullen, thinking of his fiends and family. ". . . No."
"Well then, my name is Lauren . . ,"
"And my name is Goten . . ."
"We have to get some sleep . . . We will have lots to do tomorrow. They master says you are fit enough to bring wood and water."
Sadly, that didn't come as any surprise to the boy, not after what he'd seen the young girl go through. He was sure to feel some of that torture tomorrow.
"Be careful going through the woods. There are lots of very dangerous animals . . . but especially watch out for the Grink.
Goten looked puzzled.
"It's a beast in the river. Even the master himself won't go near it. 'Says its too dangerous to even step in the water."
"Have you ever seen it?"
"Yes, once when I was fetching water. It came out and gobbled up a huge turkendunckle."
"A what?" Goten asked as he dug into the food the girl had given him.
"Its a big bird that tastes very good, but its so big and viscous that very few animal would go near it . . . . "
Come let us finish eating, and get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a very long day."

The next day . . .

Pain shot through Goten's body as he made his way of of there dig out. The girl came to meet him with four skillets.
"Kind of small in there," the boy mused.
"It was even smaller before I dug it out."
"These people are the worst." Goten fumed.
"No, no . . . they are not the worst. There are much worst than them."
This was going to be a problem if every one else keeps being worst than the people he kept meeting now.
The wooden skillets were evenly heavy. This was one time being a Satan was costing him as that planets forces kept making the very slightest tasks unbearable.
The two wound their way down through the trees for about a mile or two before they came to an opening. She had dabbed a type of repellent on both of them to keep away the wild animals, and it was working, they had no trouble at all from the forest residents.
A huge lake lay at the end of the track. The water a still blue-green colour.
"There's a monster in there, remember."
Goten nodded, and they set to work.
About half way back, Goten had to hand the young lady one of his skillet, as they both were just too heavy for him. He'd felt ashamed, but she coached him that it was okay, after all, she was used to bringing all four.
Now that made the boy very much angry at his own weakness. Once again, the feeling of being at the bottom of the food chain.
The truth is . . . he couldn't help her even if he wanted, not in his current state.
He had to get stronger, somehow. Back on earth, Roshi had taught through the art of work. 'That's it. What they think is work . . . shall be my training.
Reaching there pen, and then going around to a huge house, the two rested down the water and waited.
After a few seconds Yelbo came out, and then a giant, for that was what they were, and the boy's dad had the muscles to match. Now from him, he could feel power coming, bit only a little.
"I'd be fooled to think measuring your power would be accurate." The young half-sayan mused.
"Shhhh!" Lauren coaxed, "lest we be dinner."

The giant examined Goten, like a man wood cattle at the stocks. "Let him bring wood and water. And make sure he gets extra feeding. We will toughen him up yet, can't have an half starved slave feinting about the place now can we."
Lauren nodded in agreement.
Their main duty was chopping, bring wood, and fetching water; Lauren worked even later, tidying up, and cooking for them.

That night Gotten went to bed very early. Tomorrow would be his next training day. Even though his being there helped to easy Lauren's work load by one bucket he wasn't going to be bested, by a girl, nor the two brothers. His main threat though . . . , would be their father. Already, the giant was was way out of their league . . .

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