Chapter Episode 3 Training Day 1

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Chapter Episode 3

Training Day 1


The morning sun streamed in . . . it was almost midday. The air tight capsule had not only sealed his scent from the animal, but had afforded him the night's sleep that he'd needed. Morning would have been better. As it would have given him more time to explore his surroundings. But this was going to have to do.
Goten was pinned instantly to the ground upon stepping outside of the ship. The gravity was intense, like the whole planet wanted to crush him.
Laying there, body pressed to the ground, Goten looked around. The trees were swaying with No difficulty, a bug or two were creeping by, under no duress at all. It was only him, and him alone that was having trouble standing.
'What would dad do?' He thought to himself. '. . . Why train of course, . . . train.'
Forcing himself to all fours and sweating like he had just circle earth, Goten started doing push ups. But what was the point? He needed something, something that would moti . . .
'That's it . . . the cats!'
'That'll be my motivation.'
The ship had crashed-landed in a dense forest, amongst the canopy. The tops of the trees had slowed the ship considerably, and it had just fallen through the canopy.
The area was a very beautiful green, not much bugs in sight.
There was not much food on the ship, and it was too dangerous to go anywhere in his very weak state. The boy tried desperately to prop up the detached door to keep out any predators, but in vain.
Searching the ship was now the next very best thing.
'Bulma hadn't bothered to store any victuals, why should she, no one was supposed to be on board. Good for him the cooler and the fridge, had some fruit beverages. likely left by Bulma's dad who was not one to leave one stone unturned. Probably was going to test it on a human in the near future. Oh well, at least the beverages would keep him another day or two since there was not much of anything to eat.
The day was spent in rigorous exercise, and training.
That night seemed to be peaceful. The sleep-capsule in the ship was proving to be very useful.
That morning, scrape marks inside of the the ship showed that unwanted visitors had been present.
An example had to be made . . . , and made clear.

Training outside the ship started very early. With two senzu beans placed in slits in his pants and shirt . . . as a precaution, he began.
Punching and kicking trees had brought blood on the first day, and though Saiyans healed faster than humans, and half-saiyan/half-humans healed faster than full Saiyans for some reason, it would take another day to fully heal.
Bandaging his hands and feet he set to work.
Lifting logs, aerobics , stretching, beating up on an impenetrable tree, and dodging swinging branches that he could barely lift was the most important things that he could think of: Those increased speed, defense, dodge, attack, and different modes of attack.
Overdoing it, it was nearly dark when he'd entered the ship. Preserving the senzu beans, no food, only juice he could drink, he entered the sleepcapsule for that nights sleep.

Sure enough the visitors arrived, entering the capsule slowly, whilst sniffing around.
The sleepcapsule's door opened, and one of Goten's feet came into view, . . . and then the other.
Standing determinedly, the boy stared at his new foes; One small cat, and two bigger males.
They had come looking for food . . , and it was apparent, that someone was going to get eaten.
The big cats circled, . . . the little one didn't seem sure and stepped back slightly.
Making himself steadfast and ready, his stance relaxed, something else was coming.
A huge tremoring grumble came from the outer darkness.
And in came the huge cat.
This wasn't looking good. Not at all.
The medium cats looked back at the biggest one, which stared at Goten with confidence, he'd finally found his prey, and this was going to be his big user meal.
The two cats rushed Goten, who then exploded with kicks and punches, and a utopic roundhouse kick.
The cats were shaken, and a bit bruised by the assault, but nothing too serious. Goten was now backing them, but facing the biggest cat.
If they were going to fight, he'd need to finish the medium ones, and before all three joined in.
Buckling his fist tightly, Goten jumped back, floating in the air as he went, spinning around, he slammed his clenched fist in an upper cut motion into the left cats jaw.
Bruised the cat was then punched on the top of its head, forcing closed its open jaws. Jumping out of the way, just as he had trained with the falling branches, only much, much faster, he barely dodged the jaws of the other cat on the right.
One kick to its backside kept the cat flying in the direction that it was already going.
Keeping up consistency, Goten punched the cat that was still beside him, whilst dodging its reflective swipes, hitting the cat harder, and harder, moving faster, much faster, . . . as the ear shattering thumping of his own heart threatened to deafen him once again.
Now for the real threat.
'No', the young boy whispered within himself, turning to stare at the biggest cat. 'What's wrong with me?'
Back home things were always fun, but . . ., but this was different . . ., he was getting angry as a fighting rage builded inside of him. His arms tensed. Fighting something far more stronger and deadly dangerous for some reason seemed to be . . . fun . . ., heroic . . , pleasure.
What happened next became a blur of reflex and fighting fire. Cat and boy punched, kicked, scratched, and fought their way into the night.
The other three cats stared, then shied away sullenly as if not wanting to be involved. Cat and boy strove on, till about midnight, the boy was about to give up, but this was by far, the most fun that he had gotten in a very long time.
Adrenaline pumped, and almost smiling, the boy shot up from where the big cat had thrown him. The cat was quick, biting down on the young boys neck, as Goten struggled to keep its jaws from closing.
"You're weak . . .", he heard Vegeta say insolently. And suddenly he was back home, sitting on the ground crying.
He had dared to train with Vegeta.
'This was madness, how could he hit a child so hard? Was it hatred for his dad? Was this how he always trained? Why . . ? Was . . , his dad taking it easy on him all those times? . . . Why?'
"I like my looks . . , and so I didn't want any scars . . . and I am not any fan of pain . . . B U T . . . D O E S . . . T H A T . . . M A K E . . . M E . . . W E A K ?!!!!!!"

With that Goten's grip on the animal's teeth tightened, and with all his might, he forced apart the animals jaws, and kicked him one to the teeth . . . rage started to engulf him, then suddenly the boy was out cold.

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