Chapter Episode 2 New Worlds

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Chapter Episode 2

New Worlds

Everything flashed, there was lots of colours and then suddenly a bright white light.
As the brightness faded, the beauty of lush swampy forestry came into view.
Was he on earth . . . ? Was this one of the planets his dad and Gohan had visited? But before the next questioned erupted in young Goten's mind, the sight of trees flickering by at great speeds brought him to the defining conclusion . . . he was about to crash . . . and very hard!
"Blam!!!" Brrk . . .!!!"
And everything was dark.
"Waking up in the darkness . . the youth moaned in pain as blood made a stream down his face . . . light from a detached wire kept flickering. It felt strange . . . as if something . . . or someone . . . was observing him . . . and then things threatened to go black again . . . by he fought as hard as he could . . . holding his pulsing head. 'How in the world did he do it? All those fights, for justice . . . for peace . . . his dad must be ma' . . .
He held onto that thought . . . he also was his father's son. Gaining the strength from somewhere within, Goten clapped his hands . . .
And sure enough, the lights came on within the ship.
The ship was in reasonably good condition for a landing that rough. The door lay busted . . . and the airy feeling was streaming in from that way.
Making a conscious decision to get himself up, . . . shaking . . . swaying . . . and about to pass out at any moment, he struggled over to the infirmary . . . something was out there . . . and it was coming.
Falling to the floor Goten's mind flashed back to training with his dad . . ., it was some of the best times in his life . . . sparring with his dad. But why did he have to hit so hard. Felt like his bones would break at any second.
"Get up Goten . . . get up!" He was hurt but with no cuts . . . his dad's hand was held out.
"Get up Goten!!" He screamed.
". . . Get up Goten . . , the boy heard himself mutter. He was there again, amidst that eerie feeling, death was close.
Standing, the boy pulled open the cabinet door . . . and there they were . . . senzu beans.
What looked like a strange cat pounced through the door and at him with one leap. Goten grabbed onto the bag of beans, as the strange beast hit him, and the boy did a roll his father showed him, and kicked as hard as he could . . . sending the beast flying into the side of the spaceship.
Any beast from home would have died instantly . . . this cat (or whatever it was) just shook it off.
Goten was now on all fours, head bowed to the ground . . . 'it'll only take a moment . . .' Goten started to stand . . . 'before the senzu been would finally kick in.'
The animal pounced, with cruel death in its eyes, but the boy dodged with all that his might could muster and kicked the cruel animal one to the stomach . . . . it let out a small whelp. It was about to pounce again. . . but for some reason turned . . . something else was coming.
The growls outside the door sounded more like huge rumblings than that of any animal he'd heard on earth . . . this couldn't be happening.
The creature he'd fought lowered itself as it retreated to the door. Dealing with animals had taught him some valuable things, and one was how animals behave when an animal that is way more superior is approaching. Looking around desperately the boy looked for the next best out . . . the window? No he didn't even know what else was out there.
Maybe he should turn supersaiyan. No, he didn't know if he could beat the approaching animal and he needed to rest. No, that had to be his backup if all failed.
"Rrrraarra!!!!!" "Braks!"
A huge creature much like the other, but twice as big as the boy and the cat combined, landed in the middle of the room.
It looked right . . . it looked left . . . it sniffed the blood on the ground.
It looked around . . . nothing edible to sight. Where had it gone, it was here a moment ago.
Not liking the feel or the new surroundings, the big animal left . . , with one look over its huge hairy shoulders and a snort . . . it was gone.

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