Chapter Episode 14 A Helping Hand

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Chapter Episode 14

A Helping Hand

"Peep!" "Peep!" "Peep" . . .
Everyone was startled awake. It was dark in outer space.
"Peep!" "Peep!" . . ,
A very small light on the panel blinked off and on.
"I hope we're not out of power." Lauren said looking terrified. The thought of drifting aimlessly through space could be forever, no matter the company was good.
"No . . . the manual said that the ship automatically recharges once the light beams from either red, yellow, or Orange stars were present."
"And Arbis has a very yellow start."
"Right, and it was there for days when we were trapped on the planet."
"So, what can it be, I think the red blinker means 'distress beacon intercepted'."
"So . . . what do we do?" Lauren said unwilling to get into any danger when they were still recovering. "And how come the ship knows so much about so much? I thought you said you came from this place earth, and you hadn't every really left the planet much."
"I haven't, but the ship . . . " Goten held his head. There was no getting away from it, he would have to tell them.
Ariochi's eyes glowed brightly in the dark, as two distant yellow suns would, as he just stared, and listened.
"I came from earth, but my dad was an alien who had crash landed on the planet. Other aliens came and challenged my dad with all of earth's mightiest forces. One of the people who helped was another alien, named Picolo, from a planet called Namek . . ."
"Namek? . . . I know the people from Namek. They are a kind people, like my race."
"But what is your race?" Goten enquired.
"Kahrim . . . but I . . . was adopted." Lauren stared spacing out, like she was revisiting the past in her memories. " . . . Sorry go on".
" . . . Then my best friend came . . . from another place." Goten thought it best not to say too much, he trusted them, but not enough to keep from slipping up. After all, he didn't know where they were going and who they might meet, hopefully people a lot more nicer than, Massa and his sons.
"So . . . then Bulma, who's my best friend's mom, took notes from all the technology that she encountered on earth, and made this ship.
I was messing around and the ship took off with me unknown to her. That is how I ended up crashing down on planet Arbis.
"Look, the light has stopped flashing."
Goten jumped up alarmed, "Oh no. I forgot all about that."
"What's wrong?"
"If you don't cancel out the interception, the ship will automatically respond. Its supposed to be a fail-safe in case the ship takes off for some reason or another without the controller on it."
"So can't we stop it?" Lauren asked scared.
"Yes . . , but do you really want to?"
The blonde girl thought about it awhile, after all, if it was her, she'd want someone come to her rescue.
The ship then approached two planets, one of which had sent out the distress signal.
Setting down the ship, the three just gathered around by the windows. After all, Goten was very beaten up, and could barely move from the pain, and Ariochi didn't seem too keen on adventure either.
The girl wasn't going out there by herself, not after being stranded for some years as a slave, on another planet, she wanted to see home, she wanted to see her people.
"How is it that we all speak the same language?" Goten asked, after a while had passed.
"Uh . . ., we don't, but we are taught at school to understand other people telepathically. . . You weren't taught that at your school?"
"No . . ."
"Well, by understanding people telepathically you can read what people mean when they speak, and what would be the desired reply. It had been taught on almost all mainstream planets for hundreds of years."
Goten was bewildered, on his planet earth people actually took the time to learn other peoples languages, which sometimes took years.
"Can you teach me?"
"Well yeah . . . but you better not be a very slow learner, or it could take some months, and we would have parted long time by then."
"Uh, okay."
The three resumed looking out but nothing.
After an hour or so. Lauren decided to go out and scout within view of the ship, with Ariochi accompanying her, since Goten was too hurt.
The rescue proved fruitless, yet on their return back the saw something in the dust of the brown mountains planet. It was some sort of mechanical device, and it was blinking the same as on the control panel.
The owner however was nowhere to be seen. Another look around proved fruitless, so the two returned to the ship with the beacon.
Goten was waiting as the wind started picking up.
After a small conference, they decided to leave the beacon where it was and let the ship circle the planet for one day.
As soon as they took off and had hovered a few miles from where they had landed, they saw something, or someone, it was a very robust brown man and he was running.
They were about to approach when they saw something green, up ahead, hiding behind the rocks.
'What was going on?'
Just then, as the ship was about to land to collect the man Goten pushed the ships controls, and the ship sped past the guy, who started flapping furiously at them, in a rage.
The ship slowed up to the little green creature, still hiding behind the rocks.
The ships door opened, and out popped Goten's hand to the tiny creature. A blast just barely missed Goten's outstretched hand, and with that shot the little green girl jumped into the ship, taking a shot to the stomach as she did.
Looked out just in time to dodge a blast shot at his head, and instantly the boy was out of the ship, dodging and letting go ki blasts, he had to protect his friends and the ship, and he didn't want the guy shooting at the ship, no matter how sturdy the ship appeared. Having to dodge and even to parry the shots, which, apparently, were all on target, was leaving the boy with bruises to the palms of his hands.
He had to do something, quick, he was not better yet and it seemed the thrill of the fight was the only thing keeping him alert.
Slapping away a shot Goten hit the soil in front of the brown alien with a ki blast, which sent dust into the air blinding the creature for a bit. Then Goten mustered the biggest ki-wave that he could muster and blasted that position.
Quickly getting into the ship he guided the craft speedily away from the planet.

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