Chapter Episode 12 What a Day

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Chapter Episode 12

What a Day

The trees stretched for miles, like sea of green brush.
Goten was the first out, dropping down with horrific speed.
Ariochi also jumped, he'd looked a little scared, but he transformed into his first state just before hitting the ground, only to flap his wings and flutter down wit ease. It was amazing how clever the little dragon handled his body.
The two started to look for the green globe, but the welp had the keenest idea where to go. Pretty soon he disappeared into the underbrush.
Goten was tempted to follow.
"Brum", "Brum", "Brum . . .
Looking around frantically, for what the sounds were, Goten looked up just in time to see a hurling tree branch barely miss the ship.
It was Massa. He didn't know they were there, but was hurling tree branches at the ship.
Powering up silently, he flew up in time to be caught by the next huge branch which knock him back violently.
The boy didn't want to face off with the huge monster of a being. There was too much at risk, and too many lives were relying on him . . . but . . . but . . . heart thumping loudly, blood rushing, and a peace that was cool, yet . . .
Goten burst into super saiyan and attack the big green giant with speed, catching him off guard. Half in shock at seen Goten floating in the air, and half in shock at what he'd become, the startled man fell back, but reached out to grab onto Goten out stretched foot, the same that had hit him. Instead the youth drew back and gave him the other foot, to his jaw.
This sent the oaf falling in a heap.
Bit would you know, getting up, and rubbing his jaw, he prepared himself for the fight.
'This isn't for real', Goten thought, 'I was hoping you wouldn't get back up'.
This time Massa attacked with a swing of his fist, which the boy dodge easily, but the giant reacted with a blind swing which just caught the air.
Fighting like a crazed lunatic the giant swung and punched and kicked out, but Goten was fast as super saiyan and dodged and hit him, and dodged and him, but the badly bruised giant wasn't going down, and eventually one back hand swing caught the saiyan in the side, sending him hurling into the trees which refused to give way. Suddenly Massa was standing over the boy punching and kicking to death the stunned boy. Barely sliding out the boy hovered bleeding and sputtering blood.
'This was no fight for a saiyan', is man was one raging ball of Madness, much like Broly, only, it was my one to fight him.
Goten looked over to the ship to see Lauren's eyes widened in shock.
The giants big hand grabbed Goten's foot from hundreds of feet up in the air after one leap, and brouht him slamming down to the ground.
The share impact and pain caused him to fade in and out of consciousness.
Every time he came awake he saw either the giants very big hands or feet coming down with increasing force, sending blinding paint throughout his whole body.
"Whack!" . . . . . Braommm!
In a quick rush, Lauren sent the giant flying from his leaped position, into the forestry.
Their was no time to waste, Goten was fading in and out of consciousness and she couldn't let him die on her, not here, and definitely, not now.
She reached into her bosom and brought out a piece of the fruit, they were told not to eat, from, the tree of might.
She tried to give Goten piece, but he was to out of it to even receive it in his mouth.
The underbrush stirred and out jumped Massa, bigger and more vexed than ever. His strength seemed to lie in his rage, for not only did he seem bigger and bladder than before, but his body had been healing little by little all the time.
Quickly chewing half of the fruit, the girl's muscles buldged and she felt a burst of incredible power . . , but could she beat a giant, whose only fruit source, was that very same fruit.
Just as he was about to leap at her, a young behemoth dragon crashed into the giant., but Massa held onto it the same time and flung it down through the underbrush. The trees were so hard that just the branches alone was causing everyone harm, and Ariochi, was back to his human self.
Again the little dragon transformed into the armoured behemoth and hurled himself at the big oaf of a man.
But before Massa could grab him . . .
"Dd doomm!!"
A shaky Goten hit him with a huge kameha ki wave blast.
The little dragon still hurling disappeared into the dust.
When the dust finally cleared, a very scarred and bruised Massa stood firm, with his hands around the little dragons stout neck, as it struggled for life.
All felt lost . . . bit Goten was entering a rage like never before.
Lauren stood unaffected and ready to fight, like she knew what Massa was capable of all along.
Goten was looking down at his hands, marred with blood and dirt: They were fighting for their freedom . . . no, not just theirs but everyone that would come this way hereafter.
As his focus threatened to go out of view, he suddenly saw the piece of the fruit, Launie had been attempting to feed him.
Looking down at it, he took it, and ate piece, his jaws felt sent horrifying pain to his brain, as his now shaky teeth tried to chew the hard fruit.
Ariochi was now glowing, and returned to his human form, and without stopping it began to grow, bigger, and mightier, untill Massa was forced to let go of the neck of the true dragon. Though smaller, it looked the same as his mother.
'So, he did find the emerald ball,' Goten smiled, as he felt some of the same energy, as that of the dying mother emitting from the big dragon.
Massa threw a punch which had connected to the dragons neck.
The dragon flung its tale at him, but as Massa blocked, the dragons teeth bit down into his shoulders.
Massa tried to punch the dragon loose but it was jus too much pain.
"Lauren, get in the ship!"
The craft was about a half mile up, and the she looked at him puzzled.
"Use your energy."
Goten placed his hands like a step for her feet, and then the young bout tossed her as high as he could get her.
"Ahhh." It was a fight just to hover up to the ships open hatch.
"The power building in Goten now was over bearing.
"Ariochi!" "Come!"
Ariochi flung the screaming giant into the trees and walked over, his long tail moving tremendously as it moved.
"Can you get to the ship?" (Though what he meant was 'can you get in the ship?')
The dragon looked up and was away, flying towards the ships entrance which he clearly could not fit in.
Then at the last moment he returned to his human form, and Launie reached out and grabbed him as he fell short of the doorway.
The young saiyan, seeing every one was safe, rose off of the ground, eyes focused on the trees.
"Arroarrah!" "Bracks, pracks, crash!"
And out flew the bleeding giant.
Not willing to kill him, Goten they needed enough time to get out of there. Goten flew as fast as he could at the green monster of a man, just then Yelbo jumped out from the underbrush, which he dodged, but was forced to block Blebut who came leaping down on him from above. All three were here, all three were more huge and fierce with rage than ever before, and all three were out for blood.

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